Dunhere is OP in the campaign!?

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dĂșnhere is OP in the campaign!?
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

melethron 15

My girlfriend and i are playing the campaign with "minimal purchase", using only the revised core set and the previous campaign expansions. our strategy was simple: buff dunhere with boons and attachments so he can kill enemies without having to engage them.

with 2 weapons (dagger/glamdring), valiant warrior, intimidation and unexpected courage, dĂșnhere can attack for a massive 10 damage and clear the staging area every turn.

so far we've beaten every scenario except for "the urukai" in the first attempt, and this is the version of the deck we used on helm's deep. it can certainly be improved, and i forgot to include "a light in the dark", but we still managed to get an easy win despite almost getting location-locked

PS: for the first 3 scenarios our other deck was using the three hobbits to handle combat, but we decided to replace pipin with theodred because we were feeling resource starved in "the road darkens" scenarios