Frodo mocks for gondor.

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Tigger_mk4 1

an enemy management deck experiment based on an idea i had while watching a video review of song of mocking. this deck is intended to be paired with a questing deck.

basic idea is to repeatedly refresh boromir, raising his threat. if he takes damage, use song of mocking to transfer this to frodo and raise your threat. use dwarven tomb to recurse galadrims greeting to reduce your threat. Denethor is there to provide resources and some gondor synergy (and steward of gondor).

untried at time of writing. i make no claims to its effectiveness. the concern is it might require too many moving parts, so have included some gondor synergy.

potential tweaks/last minute cuts: test of will, ally sam gamgee . a slightly less janky gondor deck might replace frodo with eleanor.

also, theres a broad spread of “two ofs.” ...this is so i can assess which work better than others in actual play.i’ll probably increase some to three-of and remove others.


Dec 13, 2020 askelad 634

Frodo Baggins's ability is limited to once per phase, so you're gonna have a problem using Song of Mocking on him, it will only work once each phase... Also if your threat reduction mecanism is recurring the expensive The Galadhrim's Greeting you might as well do it the old way and use Warden of Healing and Self Preservation, with a Gondorian Shield Boromir is 5 defense 5 hit points so there are not many attacks that would kill him instantly

Dec 13, 2020 Tigger_mk4 1

Yes, i’ve now run this a few times and frankly, frodos ability and song of mockery have both proved redundant. You could easily sub in a.n.other spirit hero . Ive a newer version (still currently using frodo) . Frodos ability really is now only there in case of a poor start requiring some tanking of multiple attackers but so far even that isnt proving necessary. Its been an interesting experiment, but at the end of the day not a fruitful one.