Lay Down and Die

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Any Ally, Any Time
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Some Sort 3525

This is the easiest deck in the entire game to play. During setup, you draw your opening hand. Then, during the resource phase, you activate Boromir's second ability, discard Caldara to bring back zero Spirit allies, and then trigger Treebeard's action five times. Then you take your entire deck, put it into your discard pile, and walk away from the table.

Why on earth would you do this? This deck makes no sense at all. Unless you're playing it opposite a Stand and Fight deck. One like, I don't know... this one. Because then you just put every single ally in the entire game into your discard pile for that deck to choose from when Standing and Fighting. Which is... useful.

(From rulebook: "When a player is eliminated, his hand, all of the cards he controls, and his deck are placed in their owners’ discard piles.")

Mulligan aggressively for Brok Ironfist. Not because, you know, it matters or anything. Just because he's been around since the core set and I'm pretty sure this is the first chance anyone has had to mulligan aggressively for him. Dare to dream, beardy fella'.

(P.S. That Ally Boromir in the sideboard belongs in the deck proper. He's a great ally, but RingsDB won't let me publish a deck that has an ally that conflicts with a hero. Having such a conflict is 100% legal, it's just that the ally is unplayable while the hero is still alive. But, you know, in this case "while the hero is still alive" only lasts for half a phase, so that's fine.)


Jul 18, 2016 Beorn 13457


Jul 18, 2016 Beorn 13457

So avant garde. I love that there is an equivalent to conceptual art happening on RingsDB right now. Well done.

Jul 18, 2016 kwitee 49

Shuldn't it be called Suicide squad? I guess there was some trademark issues...

Jul 18, 2016 Some Sort 3525

Well, that and I already have another suicide-themed fellowship and wanted a distinctive enough name to tell them apart. :)

Jul 20, 2016 mithril ring mail 53


Sep 02, 2016 sappidus 727

For the record, an official rules query killed this awesome concept of a deck: "...You cannot search the discard pile of a player who is not a part of the game. Once a player is eliminated from the game, he is no longer part of it."

Sep 02, 2016 kwitee 49

I now remember that I read something like this a long time ago. I guess it's propably for the better. But nice concept though.

Dec 21, 2020 Sfrug 370

Stumbling on this deck years later, this paragraph made me literally laugh out loud: "Mulligan aggressively for Brok Ironfist. Not because, you know, it matters or anything. Just because he's been around since the core set and I'm pretty sure this is the first chance anyone has had to mulligan aggressively for him. Dare to dream, beardy fella'."