The Dead Marshes Solo Progression

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Copterman 1027

DECK NAME - Escape Artists

OVERVIEW - I wanted to create a deck that could scry for Gollum in the event that he is shuffled into the encounter deck, but one that usually doesn't put him there.



  • The first few rounds, don't commit any characters to the quest. Just take the threat increase. Save Bilbo and any allies in play for the Escape Test at the end of the quest phase (6 is the sweet spot). You want to keep resources off Gollum.
  • Use Sneak Attack/Gandalf mostly for combat emergencies early on. He's mostly for threat reduction, and for games that go multiple rounds, use Will of the West to recycle the Sneak Attacks in your discard pile. Gandalf can be useful to eliminate Wargs early on.
  • Eventually, Celebrían's Stone attached to Bilbo and 2 Escort from Edoras will result in no lost Escape Tests from Gollum's effect since the worst result is an Escape 5.
  • IMPORTANT RULES NOTE: An action that boosts "until the end of the phase" cannot be taken during the Objective Gollum forced escape test that happens at the end of the quest phase. So no boost from Faramir or Protector of Lórien for that particular test.
  • A Test of Will - Denethor will usually bury the Escape Test treacheries, but ToW is there to bail you out of one comes across during staging.
  • IF GOLLUM IS EVER SHUFFLED INTO THE ENCOUNTER DECK - Denethor and 2 or 3x UC will greatly improve your chances to find him and reveal him during questing.