A Beatdown in Pelargir

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Birdman137 111

After many attempts with different decks, I was finally able to beat Peril in Pelargir solo with this one. It is semi-progression as I included Dagger of Westerness from The Black Riders which was technically not out yet, but I don't think I even saw a copy of the Dagger on my way to victory.

I'm usually looking for Vassal of the Windlord in my opening hand to help clear out The Leaping Fish ASAP. One trick is to quest with Glofindel on turn 1 which raises your threat, causing the Harbor Thug to immediately engage you, clearing out some threat from the staging area. Light of Valinor, Unexpected Courage, and Behind Strong Walls provide neccessary readying. As I iterated the deck, I was mostly loosing to threating out and often had an empty hand or had nothing to play so Elrond's Counsel and Ancient Mathom were added to help in those areas. Arwen Undómiel helps boost Beregond's Defense and helps with the stage 3 quest push. Gandalf and Escort from Edoras are crucial for stage 3 as well.

Previously, I had Háma in place of Boromir, but found that Boromir's readying was neccessary more than Hama's event recycling.