The North Rides to War

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PeaceAndThought 324

In this deck, a good starting hand consists of either the Armored Destrier or the Westfold Horse-breeder to go fetch it, and, depending on the quest you're playing, a few cheap allies to spit out early on. Círdan the Shipwright is standing by to provide early questing support and access to cheap willpower like Arwen Undómiel and Silvan Refugee. Engaging one weak enemy early is preferred, since Amarthiúl will need access to early. Time A Good Harvest so that you can drop out a lot of allies and attachments from either or . Contrary to what's printed on the card, I ignore Aragorn as a target for Celebrían's Stone and use it instead to boost Cirdan's willpower to a mighty six.

In the mid-game, getting Gandalf out will get you four more questing, plus beefy defense and attack if you ready him with Narya.

Above all, getting that Armored Destrier is key, since with it Amarthiúl can block and discard shadow cards with ease, all while gaining his engagement buffs.

This deck is rather straightforward in its approach, but the reward is in finally being able to get good use out of Amarthiúl's two engagement buffs consistently without being overwhelmed by enemies. Laugh with grim delight as the forces of the North ride roughshod over the forces of the Dark Lord!

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