Nest Egg: The Money Birds

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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TSINGļ¼šmessage of the King 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Imrahil13 1272

Nobody makes it rain like the Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains. It's possible for this deck to produce 9 resources per round (3 from heroes, 1 from Alagos, 2 from Steward of Gondor, 1 from ally Radagaast, 2 from Radagast's Staff).

This deck is aiming for theme over function, as it's bringing all Beornings, Birds, and Wizards. Nevertheless, it's capable of being a decent combat deck with some passable questing power. It's not great for 1 Handed solo play, broadly speaking, as it may struggle in a variety of situations (for instance, if a quest requires you to carry Restricted objective items, you have to go Beorn via MotK to even have a chance, and this is very inefficient). But paired with another deck(s) that can cover some questing and cancellation, it can be pretty effective.

Ultimately, this deck was an attempt to get the most mileage out of ally Radagast, who can bring his Staff, Pipe, and Messenger Ravens to good effect while fueling the incredible economy of this deck. With Steward of Gondor, this deck is pretty easily making 6 resources per round, which makes the economy-hit of bringing Radagast into play a little less painful than it might otherwise be in other lineups. Note that Alagos' Response can (I believe) be triggered during MotK set-up in Step 7, when Gwaihir (or Meneldor) enters play per the Contract. This consumes Alagos' response for the first round, but means you can easily have 2 Leadership resources for a First Round play of Steward, when possible.

Sneak Attack has excellent targets in Gandalf, Beorn, Meneldor, and Giant Bears. Card draw comes in the form of The Eagles are Coming!, Gandalfs, Wizard's Pipe, and the Messenger Ravens (the latter two having excellent synergy once both are in play), which hopefully means you've always got something to spend that pile of money upon. Worst case, resources can be used to pay off the upkeep of some of the Eagles or to heal (Remedy, Radagast). Breath of Arda is a power card for late game situations where you need a particularly big push via a pile of Veteran Eagles, or can have early game utility in letting Meneldor clear a location quickly.