The Three Hunters ft. Leadership Eomer Updated

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The Three Hunters ft. Leadership Eomer 145 102 26 1.0
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BloodVigilante 117

An Updated version of Seastan's classic.


Jun 26, 2023 Alonewolf87 2340

No Herugrim? Also wouldn't Inner Strength for Fastred be a "better" choice for The One Ring than Power of Command?

Jun 26, 2023 BloodVigilante 117

The Ring goes on Eowyn, as that was the original idea for the deck (Power of Command helps the whole group with questing, especially when they're all powered up, making questing impossible to fail), but you're right about Herugrim.

Jun 26, 2023 BloodVigilante 117

Well, part of the problem with Herugrim is the cost, as the point of the deck is to turbo-charge all of the heroes on turn 1, and taking up 2 of three resources for one restricted attachment of five required is simply not worth it in my book.

Jun 26, 2023 Alonewolf87 2340

Power of Command only boost the unique character you control, not all across the board.

Jun 26, 2023 BloodVigilante 117

When I said that I just meant my heroes, as I only play solo.