Take the Battle to the Enemy

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Ipswatch 429

Denethor is a hero I have never really built around. Similarly, Haldan and Rossiel are characters I have though about quite a bit, but never attempted a full deck with them. This deck is my attempt at completely locking down the encounter deck, and making Sauron play my game, rather than the other way around. My deck is a three pronged approach, with each hero shouldering their share of the weight.

Denethor - The Scryer This deck has a bunch of cards that let you peak at the top of the deck. Henamarth Riversong is an important ally to get out, because he can tell you every round if you want to use Denethor's ability to bury the card or not. Similarly, Ithilien Lookout can be played after seeing an enemy to remove them from the draw pile, or Ithilien Tracker if it has a lot of threat. With Rumour from the Earth and Shadow of the Past, there should never be a turn where you don't know exactly what the top card will be. This in turn lets you know when to play Entangling Nets and Ranger Spikes for maximum effectiveness.

Rossiel - The Gardener Obviously just seeing what Sauron is doing isn't good enough. Rossiel and her component of Victory display cards let you tailor the deck more towards your liking. With The Door is Closed!, Leave No Trace, None Return and Out of the Wild, you are well situated to pull an enormous number of cards from the encounter deck.

Haldan - The Drawer Haldan helps with location control as well, but he assists in making sure this deck is drawing the cards it needs to get. Between Daeron's Runes, Drinking Song and Mithrandir's Advice, this deck rockets towards an enormous hand size very quickly. This makes sure you have all the tricks you need to properly counter the Enemy, and makes sure you have plenty of fodder for Protector of Lórien.

This deck is aimed mostly at Single Player, as it can completely predict the deck in that setting, but is still functional in multiplayer. It struggles to post huge questing numbers, but has a handful of tools to help boost its questing when necessary.

Opening Hand Most hands in this deck give you lots to play with. The main goal for this deck early on is card draw, so you have whatever tools you need based on the quest you are doing.