Aragorn the Grey

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TheWhee 88

I just tossed every Aragorn attachment together and it plays very well.

Start off with Elessar and Estel, for your two attachments. Use Estel to dig for the Strider. If you have a duplicate of Elessar use A fair exchange. If you can get the Elendilmir out quickly you can use Estel 3 times per round at the beginning, preferably discarding elven light or a unique attachment you can then reforge. Target a different version of Aragorn with Thorongil later, once you get a feel for the quest. Only throw in Elrond to get rid of conditions, since the contract can allow healing at the cost of 1 threat.

Once you get up and running with everything on Aragorn, you can use Tale of Tinuviel to give your Grey companions +8 attack and defense, which you can ready and use to attack and defend by exhausting Elessar and Chieftain. By this point you should by using Neutrigorn’s ability on those two attachments.


Sep 19, 2022 NERD 873

Why not include more than one copy of Strider? I understand that Estel can find it but it could be near the bottom of your deck. While A Fair Exchange can find your single copy, it also gives purpose to a second copy. In addition, you cannot play Chieftain of the North or The Renewer without using Reforged. Thus, I would include A Good Harvest or cut these cards. Also, if you want to make the deck stronger and more thematic, add Gandalf and possibly Timely Aid. Lastly, why do you only have 2 Lessons in Caution? There should definitely be three.

Sep 19, 2022 Darkling Door 6609

I really like this list! Definitely gets the gears turning; I could see myself building something similar in the future.

I wonder if you're misplaying Tale of Tinúviel a bit though, since it only adds Aragorn's printed (ignoring any buffs he has). Could still see it being a pretty great card in this list though!

Using 2-of for the unique cards alongside A Fair Exchange is a cool idea to get a lot of diversity into the deck; do you find it hits often enough to be useful?

Sep 19, 2022 TheWhee 88

I originally had two Striders in there, but found I almost always had it in hand on the first two turns or so. By drawing a minimum of three cards per turn, sometimes four or five, I have actually had to discard more Fair Exchanges than I used, save in a few corner cases. Also, if I had a way to get one of the other two atachments in play early, with reforged, the Stone, or Stranger, Inwould throw Strider in as one of my starters. Chieftain and renewer can by played if you first get out Barahir or protector first for Renewer or Roheryn for Chieftain.

As for theme, I honestly usually forget about the Gandalf card when building a deck. I did originally have Elladan, Elrohir, and Halbarad though, until I found I never played them.

As for the lessons in caution, I cut the third to lower the card count, but since I never reAlly needed the Silvan trait from elf-friend, it would probably be a good cut in order to throw in an extra Lesson.

Sep 19, 2022 kjeld 709

Note that whichever Title you pull with Aragorn's setup text should not be in you deck, as "your collection" according to ALeP rules refers specifically to your cards outside your deck. So that's an extra deck slot for a third A Lesson in Caution.

Sep 19, 2022 TheWhee 88

Yea, I missed the printed on tale of Tinuviel.
That being said, an attack boost of two, three with chieftain, while not as good as an 8, still gives the grey companion a 5 attack.

Sep 19, 2022 TheWhee 88

Did I misread the ALEP faq? I was under the impression that if you used only one copy in your deck, you still had two in your collection?

Sep 20, 2022 kjeld 709

You read it correctly, in that case. I was pointing out that if you're always pulling, say, Estel with Aragorn's setup text, then you don't need 2x in your deck -- you can just put one in the sideboard and call it a day. Then you have room for two additional cards. Though I suppose you're thinking about powering up A Fair Exchange, though I'm not sure you'll actually wind up ahead -- that card takes so much set up, I can't tell yet if it's worthwhile.