Think about we would have walked all that way!

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Fly you fools

Four Hobbits flew to Mordor to destroy the ring. They only stopped in Gondor to fill up their provisions. Actually, I am not sure how they managed to take their pony with them, but one does not leave without his pony! And of course Rosie is always in Sam's heart!

The four Hobbit theme is a classic one for the saga, but here we use the messenger of the king version of Pippin over Pippin. Think about not beeing the Steward, but being supported by him since he is very Resourceful and his son did not die to any foolish attempt to walk all the way.

I know that there is a explanation why the Eagles did not participate in the war, but the deck is fun to play anyway! Of course the deck works also without Frodo Baggins. Look out for Resourceful, Steward of Gondor or Timely Aid in your starting hand.

Have fun!