Blood & claws

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Jul 03, 2024 kjeld 660

I really like the combo of Barliman Butterbur and Osbera, though I'm not sure that the Elendilmir combo works to cancel 4 damage from a single attack as I don't think you can stack Responses like that -- you could cancel 2 damage from two different attacks, but not 4 damage from one attack.

Also, I don't see how you're realistically going to pay for the Beorning Skin-changers. Unless the scenario starts with you engaged with an enemy, you can't start Osbera on her side -- she'll just immediately flip over to . If you engage an enemy before or during planning, she can flip to , but you'll need to spend her resource to do so... meaning you're now two turns away from paying for the Beorning Skin-changer. And in the meantime you'll have to keep that enemy alive and deal with it's attacks and shadow cards.

I wonder if, rather than Elendilmir and The Riddle-game, it might be better to attempt an At the End of All Things with Barliman and Osbera. That would solve the resource match issue and also grant more starting hitpoints to Barliman. Though you'd lose shadow cancellation...

Jul 03, 2024 Rouxxor 1830

You are right: only one response can be trigger from a single triggering situation. So you can do it twice with two different attacks, but that is anyway what you want for drawing two cards with butterbur, isn't it?

It is also true for osbera: you can choose the tactic side but if there is no enemy so she will instantly flip back to lore (and since you setup heroes before the encounter setup she should normally alway flip but alep rule that). But with the riddle game there is always an enemy on setup ;). So what you're saying is true but you just forget something ^^.

Jul 03, 2024 perseflamme 70

Yes you two are right for the dooble trigger. In fact, it's not useful. You want to carry two attacks like said Rouxxor. That's the reason to choose Elendilmir (in order to draw for the contract).

if you just want to handle one attack, Elendilmir is unecessary. Necklace + Widfast is a better choice i think

There's no resource match issue because you have an ennemy engage in set up like said Rouxxor

Is the combo Osbera / Barliman more efficient with At the end of all things ? Surely, it depends on what you want your deck to do. Me i like trucoid decks, so i build accordingly

Jul 03, 2024 Alonewolf87 2355

Note that going fully with ALeP rules even with The Riddle-game you cannot start the game with Tactics Osbera remaining on her Tactics side, since her costant ability comes into play in step 3.2 of the Reworked Setup, while The Riddle-game Setup effect triggers in Step 3.5 of the Reworked Setup

Jul 03, 2024 Rouxxor 1830

I would agree with you if there was not this ruling: "Q: Does Osbera enter play on a specific side? Or is it by the player’s choice?

A: Whenever Osbera enters play, be it during Setup or later on during the game (through card effects like Fortune or Fate [CORE 54] or Helm of Secrecy [TVoM 90/DoG 33], for example) she starts on the side chosen by the player who controls her. Note that if you don’t have an enemy engaged with you and you put her in play on her Tactics side, she will immediately flip over to her Lore side through her constant ability."

There is literally no way to have an enemy engaged with you at this time. The text seem to refer to the quest cards giving you an enemy engaged with you. It is way after in the setup. Because of that strange ruling I would say that we don't check Osbera since the end of the setup.

Jul 04, 2024 Alonewolf87 2355

Since I wrote both the FAQ and the Reworked Setup I can confirm that her costant ability is meant to trigger in Step 3.2 of the Reworked Setup, that FAQ was more general (note how it also covers the case of coming into play mid-game) and you should not read too much into it. As of right now I am not aware of a way in which she can stay on Tactics side during Setup even if you choose to have her start that way. I will probably update the FAQ to make this more clear.

Jul 04, 2024 Alonewolf87 2355

Also note that the FAQ immediately after that one already clarifies this even further.