Picking Over The Remains - The Caves of Nibin-Dûm

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Picking Over The Remains 1 0 2 1.0
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Jreilly89 339

I finally managed to beat The Caves of Nibin-Dûm! I really liked the Rossiel deck, but it was not good on its own. I think it would be a fine multiplayer deck, but it cannot hold its own solo.

Luckily, I was able to save most of the deck by making some small tweaks. The victory display shenanigans were gone since I planned on taking out Rossiel. Then, it was time for a new hero. I knew I wanted a Lore hero, so I picked else who is kind of binder fodder.

Enter Lorefindel! I don't think he's a bad card, but he just suffers from having a better alternate version of himself. But since we're playing the picked over cards, I want to play him.

He actually works really well in this deck! He starts with 1 higher Willpower and more health, and he can help heal at any time.

Next I needed more allies. I added Sarnford Sentry since he can trigger off of Dunedain Hunter. I also added Miner of the Iron Hills to get rid of the stupid conditions like Watchful Eyes.

For attachments, I cut Secret Vigil since it was hard to trigger and added Thror's Map since there were so many negative Travel effects.

Secret Paths helps with Location lock and then I trimmed Expert Trackers by 1. Distant Stars is in there to abuse positive Locations like Goblin Dungeon.

Overall, this is a fun deck. High threat is a concern, but since Mablung and Aragorn want to be engaged with people, it works out well.