Dunedain and Noldor Cycling

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Jreilly89 339

Time for some deck shenanigans! I've always wanted to play with the Noldpr discarding shenanigans as well as Erestor, so why not build a deck with both?

Arwen and Eowyn are the perfect pair to round it out, with built in readying and resource generation.

Since I knew this deck would be discarding cards, I didn’t really care about getting down to the 50 card minimum, since I can't hold onto cards anyways. I figured 60 was a good upper limit.

From there, I figured I would dump in the new Dunedain cards since they can be decent all arounders. Heir of Valandill will cheapen them up once we get some enemies engaged and Forest Snare will keep them quiet.

I also added Galdor and Lindir to fuel some card draws, since we will be discarding cards a bunch. Protector of Lorien is a nice back-up as well if we end up with extra cards, either to boost up Aragorn's or Erestor's Defense or a Willpower boost.

Ranger Provisions will help us pay for all the cards we draw and can be triggered with Northern Tracker or Steed of Imladris.

Heir of Mardil can be triggered by Eowyn to ready Aragorn even more and Magic Ring is just a good catch all.

Gandalf and Galadrhim's Greeting are there to take care of our threat.

East Road Ranger is there for the Angmar Awakened cycle, since it has a lot of Side Quests, other wise I replace him with Sarnford Sentry.

And if it all goes wrong, we just use Will of the West and reset the whole deck!