An Istari Will Lead The Hobbits!

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Jreilly89 378

Messing around with a Gandalf deck. I built him with Hobbits in mind to keep his threat lower. I wanted to go with a Spirit Hobbit, but Frodo excludes this deck from playing the Lord of the Ring Saga quests and I think Sam is a better hero than Fatty Bolger.

The deck really has one main goal from the start: get Gandalf his pipe so the deck can function. This can happen from a few different cards: -Use Galadriel to dig for it -Use Elf Stone to drop Bilbo into play for free -Draw into it from Pippin -On a slow turn, use Word of Command and Gandalf to go fetch it

Once Wizard Pipe is in hand, the deck can go to town. Gandalf gets the lion's share of attachments, with his Staff, Pipe, Shield, Preservation, Steward, and Unexpected Courage. Pippin gets the Stone for questing and Sam gets the Dagger and Shield if the extra one comes up.

The allies are there to shore up some weaknesses, with Arwen questing and adding defense to Gandalf. Sword Thain can go on any ally to help with resource generation, but Arwen or Bilbo make the most sense.

There are better cards I could add, but currently I only own the Revised Core, Dwarrowdelf Cycle, Angmar Cycle, and Fellowship Saga expansions.


Nov 29, 2022 Marctimmins89 108

Looks like fun. Do you have any Daeron's Runes to get rid of the extra unique in hand?

Nov 29, 2022 Jreilly89 378

@Marctimmins89 I do! Solid idea I hadn't considered