Dream-chaser - Arwen/Galdor secrecy clears locations in stag

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Dream-chaser - Voyage of Belgaer - Double Secrecy
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Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

Jimbo76 14

This is secrecy deck 1 of 2. They are both spirit and lore and they are meant to be played together. The other deck is: https://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/52702/dream-chaser-cirdansecrecyclearslocationsinstaging-1.0

The 2 decks both focus on treachery cancelling using A Test of Will and encounter deck manipulation using Out of the Wild, Risk Some Light and Scout Ahead. Putting cards in the Victory Display using Out of the Wild takes out those pesky non-victory locations, enemies or treacheries.

The 2 decks also has the same focus on playing the cheap secrecy allies Celduin Traveler and Ithilien Lookout.

Dealing with enemies are not handled the traditional way as in enemy and player attack. Instead the focus is to kill enemies in the staging area with rangers Ithilien Lookout and Ithilien Archer with Ranger Bow. With all copies of Ranger Bow in play single enemies with up to 6 hitpoints can be killed in the staging area (assuming they are not immune to player card effects).

Threat reduction are available in both decks with Elrond's Counsel, Gandalf, Galadriel's Handmaiden and Double Back

Resource generation are available through Resourceful

This concludes the parts where the 2 decks are similar. The section below describes the specific focus of this deck compared to the other.

Healing with Warden of Healing.

Imladris Stargazer enables you to better find those cards, that are crucial in the moment.

Card draw is almost always available once a round with the combination of Arwen and Galdor. In addition to this there are Gandalf, Elven-light and a single copy of Keen as Lances.

Location control through both Northern Tracker and Rhovanion Outrider.

This deck and the other are meant to be played slow setting up board state, so you can draw through the deck (I have done this) and to handle this Will of the West is included in this deck.