My son just wants to hit things... 31 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn....I guess I'll do everything else 29 threat, cards up to Flight of the Stormcaller |
DC (02 DWARROWDELF) - DECK ANÃO 01 28 threat, cards up to Dwarves of DurinDC (02 DWARROWDELF) - DECK ANÃO 02 27 threat, cards up to Over Hill and Under Hill |
Elrond and friends (Multiplayer) 32 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Shire's ReckoningTactic Deck Multiplayer (Martin) 31 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Shire's Reckoning |
Angmar Awakened Chad's Dunedain 32 threat, cards up to The Dread RealmAngmar Awakened Chad's Elves Deck 28 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
Duo - Dual Sphere Gondor Valour - Deck1 29 threat, cards up to The City of CorsairsDuo - Dual Sphere Noldor - Deck2 27 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas Haven |
direct dmg 2 30 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurndirect dmg 1 27 threat, cards up to The Land of Sorrow |
Dwarrowdelf Dwarves 1 27 threat, cards up to Shadow and FlameDwarrowdelf Dwarves 2 29 threat, cards up to Foundations of Stone |
Let's Defend, So Haldir Can Shoot! 26 threat, cards up to The Dread RealmLet's Hide, So Haldir Can Shoot! 24 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
Direct damage 28 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnDirect damage 2 27 threat, cards up to Flight of the Stormcaller |
Legend of the Spider-Slayers 35 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Glittering CavesThe Supporting Cast 33 threat, cards up to Fire in the Night |
Bouncing Hobbits 19 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Aldburg PlotLoyalty Comes Without Payment 25 threat, cards up to ALeP - Blood in the Isen |
Loyalty Comes Without Payment 25 threat, cards up to ALeP - Blood in the IsenBouncing Hobbits 19 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Aldburg Plot |
Burgle Bros. 33 threat, cards up to ALeP - Fire on the EastemnetGreedy Miners 28 threat, cards up to Wrath and Ruin |
Dain and the Dragon 28 threat, cards up to The Fate of WilderlandDamage Control 33 threat, cards up to ALeP - Fire on the Eastemnet |
Silvan Questing Control 32 threat, cards up to Fire in the NightExpeditionary Force 30 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Glittering Caves |
Durin Gimli, the dwarf fellowship 31 threat, cards up to A Storm on Cobas HavenNori Ori Gloin support 26 threat, cards up to The Drowned Ruins |
FELLOWSHIP EXPANSION - Hobbit deck 19 threat, cards up to Across the EttenmoorsFELLOWSHIP EXPANSION - Three Hunters 32 threat, cards up to The Treason of Saruman |
Revised Core - Leadership & Spirit Deck (with sideboard) 29 threat, cards up to Core SetRevised Core - Lore & Tactics Deck (with sideboard) 27 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Flight of the Stormcaller Gondor 29 threat, cards up to Flight of the StormcallerFlight of the Stormcaller Noldor 30 threat, cards up to Flight of the Stormcaller |
The Dread Realm 1 26 threat, cards up to The Battle of Carn DûmThe Dread Realm 2 32 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |
The Blood of Gondor 4a 27 threat, cards up to The Blood of GondorThe Blood of Gondor 4b 21 threat, cards up to The Blood of Gondor |
Revised Core Set: Lore/Tactics Deck (With Tweaks) 27 threat, cards up to Core SetRevised Core Set: Leadership/Spirit (With Tweaks) 29 threat, cards up to Core Set |
SPI/LEA_pool_to_SoM 28 threat, cards up to Return to MirkwoodLore/TAC_pool_SoM 28 threat, cards up to The Dead Marshes |
What's on second 40 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnWho's On First 39 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Glittering Caves |
Long Shot 33 threat, cards up to Flight of the StormcallerI've Got You 32 threat, cards up to The Drowned Ruins |
Tom & Goldberry singing for Dale (with FCTL) 26 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Shire's ReckoningAre ents so slow? 35 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Shire's Reckoning |
Hills of Emyn Muil (Lore + Leadership) 26 threat, cards up to The Hills of Emyn MuilHills of Emyn Muil (Tactics + Spirit) 26 threat, cards up to The Hills of Emyn Muil |
Fellowship S+Lore (Up to CaC) 27 threat, cards up to Core SetFellowship T+L (Up to CaC) 28 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |