Good Synergy


Deck 1 should optionally engage enemies until it raises its threat or until it lowers deck 2's threat (with Galadriel or many of the cards).

Deck 1 is great at applying progress on locations and chump blocking.

Deck 2 is great at attacking enemies in the staging area and attacking enemies engaged with deck 1.

Many cards synergize between the two decks so don't forget that.


Sep 26, 2022 NERD 873

I think Scout Ahead would be great for both decks. In addition, Elrond's Counsel and Tale of Tinúviel would both be fantastic cards.

Sep 26, 2022 Portwills 58

@NERD Hi NERD, you're absolutely right! Scout Ahead escaped me but I will definitely add it since it fits so well. So do the other cards but unfortunately they are not in my collection...

Sep 26, 2022 doomguard 2190

i miss some cards in the lore-deck:

would discard:

  • 2 Anborn he is so expensive and you draw enough cards, i needed at all, 1 is enough
  • 2 Mablung he is good but you rerely let him die once he is in play.

in the galadrieldeck i would add 3 Daeron's Runes. these are not only good to get her ring aster, it is also good to put The Evening Star in the disccard.

would either discard Lore of Imladris and add Ioreth or discard Elrond he is so expensive. perhaps add 1-2 Power of Orthanc

because the trapdeck will have ranged with allies, i would consider replace Faramir with Beravor specially if using Protector of Lórien

Sep 26, 2022 Portwills 58

Hello doomguard, of course, it's up to everyone to make the changes they want, but for the sake of extrapolating I'll say that:

I don't feel Mithrandir's Advice is needed in deck 2, as there are a lot of draws from Damrod and Galadriel's abilities.

Also, deck 2 is not really into putting progress into locations, so I feel there is no space for Protector of Lorien. Likewise, as this fellowship is committed to killing things on deck 1's side, I would personally not change Faramir for Beravor.

I think Scroll of Isildur is definitely interesting as it allows some useful cards to be played again.

I think Anborn is great as he allows the deck to do what it does, and setting traps guarantees card draws as well. He is not that expensive in a deck with 3 lore heroes.

I thought about Mablung and I like him at 3, because the lore deck already has very few allies and it is somewhat necessary for it to get that presence out in play. Mablung is also ideal as he can chump block in case of emergency, save either decks from nasty engagements, and send back enemies into traps.

Daeron's Runes are indeed fantastical, but they are not in my collection unfortunately.

Ioreth is a nice choice. I will consider it, thank you.

Elrond is fantastic as he can commit to a quest without exhausting. He is ideal here, and deck 1 is not too intensive on lore resources (it is also possible that Galadriel can help in paying those resources).

Sep 26, 2022 Portwills 58

It looks like I can't update the fellowship and I can't delete it either. I wish I could make a small update to it.

Adding 1 Ioreth in deck 1 Removing 1 Lore of Imladris in deck 1

Adding 1 Scout Ahead in deck 2 Removing 1 Interrogation in deck 2

Sep 26, 2022 Portwills 58

It looks like I can't update the fellowship and I can't delete it either. I wish I could make a small update to it.

Adding 1 Ioreth in deck 1. Removing 1 Lore of Imladris in deck 1

Adding 1 Scout Ahead in deck 2. Removing 1 Interrogation in deck 2

Sep 26, 2022 Portwills 58

It looks like I can't update the fellowship and I can't delete it either, and it is stuck permanently in my list of decks. It really is a curse to publish decks. I wish I could make a small update to it.

Adding 1 Ioreth in deck 1. Removing 1 Lore of Imladris in deck 1.

Adding 1 Scout Ahead in deck 2. Removing 1 Interrogation in deck 2.

Sep 27, 2022 doomguard 2190

another 2 good cards against locations are:

Sep 27, 2022 Portwills 58

Hi doomguard, Explorer's Almanac was initially in deck 1 but since it has already many cards able to deal with any location in the staging area (22), we had to let go of Explorer's Almanac after a few games for other cards. I really do appreciate your suggestions though and I'm sure others will find them useful. I would include a copy of Asfaloth but this one is not in my collection unfortunately. :)