Lore of Imladris is not really a bad card. For the cost of two, the ability to remove all damages from character is undeniably good, however the problem is that, there is no point to have it in the deck only in one copy (which don't make big difference) and also usually it's much more efficient to use healing ally, which stays in the game all the time. All of this make this card useful only for very specific scenarios like Journey to Rhosgobel for example, or some scenarios with lot of strong enemies. Otherwise it's just sitting in your hand and waits, which is not bad, but still 3 cards in 5o card deck, where other more efficient cards can be. Artwork is very nice. Verdict: 3/5.
Lore of Imladris
Action: Choose a character. Heal all damage from that character.
Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring
Core Set #63. Lore.

Lore of Imladris is pretty reviled by the community and for good reason. It's expensive and inconsistent. However, in a Journey to Rhosgobel, it can make the quest infinitely easier. Besides, two for probably two or more healing isn't terrible, and if there's not much damage built up, it can sit in you're hand until you need it.
My problem with this card is the same problem you run into with "full heal" items in video games: you collect them throughout the game and never use them because you want to save them until you reeeeally need them, and then you beat the final boss without ever having used any of them. Which is the same way I feel about healing events like this and Beorn's Hospitality in LOTR LCG. Except for a very few specific quests, I would want repeatable healing like Self Preservation or Warden of Healing over event-based healing in almost every case, because even though they heal less damage, you don't have to pay for them every time you want a heal. And I think the designers understood that too, because after the core set we got a lot of healing options on allies and attachments and very few more healing events.