Angmar Awakened - The Dread Realm


Use None Return to banish the Cursed Dead to the Victory Display and to strengthen Rossiel as a defender. Quest through Gather Information in the first stage to obtain Path of Need and use it in the second stage to fight Daechanar on better terms. Éomer's splash damage with Firefoot and Gondorian Spearman's damage on defense can help discard the sorcery cards that prevent dealing damage to Daechanar in the second stage.


Mar 15, 2023 el-buberinio17 1

a nice one will definitely give it a go for the Angmar Awakened cycle.

Mar 30, 2023 ViniciusCS 181

Given the specificity of some of the card's effects, I wouldn't recommend trying it against other scenarios in the cycle without lots of changes, but by all means, have fun!