Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Saga Deck 10.2: Blast from Helm’s Horn 2 2 0 10.0
Inspiration for
Saga Deck 12.2: Dead Faces In The Water 0 0 0 12.0
Card draw simulator
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RedSpiderr 2204

RedSpiderr has a newer deck inspired by this one: Saga Deck 12.2: Dead Faces In The Water

I used this deck for the eleventh quest of my Saga Campaign. I am going to try and keep it as thematic as possible, stemming from the 'What If?' of 'What if Gandalf didn't escape from Orthanc in The Fellowship of the Ring?' Please note, I don't own all the cards, so am not able to make the most powerful thematic deck theoretically possible, but constrained by what I have, here is my best attempt.

Theoden King is dead. The fortress of Helm's Deep held fast against the onslaught of Isengard, but it came at a terrible cost. Many of Rohan's finest warriors fell defending their homeland, and Theoden himself paid the ultimate price as he lead forth his knights in a sally that broke the siege. But despite the victory at Helm's Deep, Isengard is not a spent force and the traitor Saruman must be dealt with, once and for all. Perhaps there may even be a chance that Gandalf yet lives, hidden away in the bowels of Orthanc, and that it might not be too late to save him.

The purpose of this deck is simple: get out as many Ents as possible and have them wreck the place. Treebeard should be mulliganed for as a priority, although if an Entmoot is in your opening hand it should be kept, as there are so many Ent cards in the deck it is almost impossible to miss. Legolas will also help mill the deck, so these allies will show up quicker. Wellinghall Preserver is another card to did for as the Ents will be soaking up a lot of direct damage and archery from this quest. This will play well into the Booming Ent however, as with a potential 4 extra Ent of Fangorn allies to start the game with, his attack could very quicky reach double figures. The more damaged Ents we have, also increases the power of The Dam Bursts, which we can use in a final turn push.

In order to pay for all these Ent allies, it is vital that Treebeard be found as soon as possible. The resource acceleration and sphere smoothing will be necessary if the deck is to get up and running. The Storm Comes would be a useful stop-gap measure, and Song of Wisdom will be needed to pay for the Lore events Entmoot and The Dam Bursts.

This deck represents the survivors of Helm's Deep and the garrison of Edoras marching on Isengard. Their attack is concurrent with that of the Ents and the men of Rohan do all they can to help the Ents in their assault on the tower of Orthanc.

The play-through using this deck can be found here: