This ally with a 5-health Treebeard can make an all-Lore deck decent. Normally, Ents are annoying with their "come into play exhausted" but this one gives you access to its ability already. Trigger Treebeard's ability then you have an automatic target. Wellinghall Preserver's 3 quest stat is already decent and you should be using this ally to do just that. However, if the scenario becomes combat-heavy, they can still take some punches with its 2-defense and 3-health.
Wellinghall Preserver
Cost: 3.
Cannot have restricted attachments.
Enters play exhausted.
Response: After Wellinghall Preserver readies, heal 1 damage from an Ent character.
Tomasz Jedruszek
Across the Ettenmoors #61. Lore.

This guy is just plain excellent if you have any number of Ents at all. In a full-Ent deck, he becomes amazing, and one you need in play ASAP. He is costly and slow, but questing for 3 and a passive healing ability really helps with questing in Lore or Lore/Tactics decks where questing is weaker. And hes not a bad defender or attacker if need be. I always have x3 in any deck with Ents that uses Lore. Plus, it was just funny when one of these guys comandeered the Corsair Skirmisher in the Storm on Cobas Haven. Awesome.