Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Saga Deck 11.2: With Doom We Come 1 0 0 11.0
Inspiration for
Saga Deck 13.2: A Window on the West 2 0 0 13.0
Card draw simulator
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RedSpiderr 2204

RedSpiderr has a newer deck inspired by this one: Saga Deck 13.2: A Window on the West

I used this deck for the twelfth quest of my Saga Campaign. I am going to try and keep it as thematic as possible, stemming from the 'What If?' of 'What if Gandalf didn't escape from Orthanc in The Fellowship of the Ring?' Please note, I don't own all the cards, so am not able to make the most powerful thematic deck theoretically possible, but constrained by what I have, here is my best attempt.

The Ring has escaped the clutches of Saruman, and Frodo has crossed over to the East Bank of the Anduin with his faithful servant Sam. Escorting then is the Captain of Gondor Faramir, son of Denethor, who has resolved to guide them at least to the borders of his own land, or as far as he is able. And so the three companions have made their way into the hills of Emyn Muil, trying to find a way through the labyrinth of gorges and valleys to the Land of Shadow beyond. But already forces beyond their power are moving against them. Sauron has sent his Nazgul once again to find the Ring, who are desperate to redeem themselves after their defeat at Bruinen. Denethor himself has dispatched his finest rangers to escort Faramir to Minas Tirith having somehow gained knowledge of their path and purpose. And something stalks them through the hills, something with its own designs on the Ring, their Precious.

This deck combines the scrying of Denethor with the traps of Damrod by way of the Interrogation card. Using Denethor and interrogation allows you to set up Ithilien Lookout so an extra card is discarded, while also fixing the encounter deck so the prime target for Ithilien Tracker or Ranger Spikes can be hit. Emyn Arnen Ranger is brilliant for questing if an enemy can be trapped, even Entangling Nets will serve that purpose, which is free with Damrod on the table. The traps also fuel his card draw, so you should see more of what you need, as will Mithrandir's Advice and Deep Knowledge. The Doomed on the latter can be offset with The Galadhrim's Greeting. This deck is also designed to handle locations, with Explore Secret Ways and Secret Paths negating location's threat, while The Evening Star will allow you to explode locations in the staging area.

This deck represents the contingent of Rangers sent by Denethor to escort Faramir and the Ring-bearer to Minas Tirith. His most trusted soldier Beregond has also gone with them to ensure the Steward's orders are carried out. Steed of the Mark and Warden of Healing represents the various support elements they take with them, and Deep Knowledge with Denethor's ability represents his far-reaching influence over the matters of Middle-earth, aided by the foreknowledge he has gained from using the Palantir of Minas Tirith. Will the Gondorians carry out their orders or will they see the wisdom in keeping the One Ring from the hands of the mighty?

The play-through using this deck can be found here: