Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Saga Deck 15.2: The Way Is Shut 0 0 0 15.0
Inspiration for
Saga Deck 17.2: They sang as they slew 0 0 0 17.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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RedSpiderr 2204

RedSpiderr has a newer deck inspired by this one: Saga Deck 17.2: They sang as they slew

I used this deck for the sixteenth quest of my Saga Campaign. I am going to try and keep it as thematic as possible, stemming from the 'What If?' of 'What if Gandalf didn't escape from Orthanc in The Fellowship of the Ring?' Please note, I don't own all the cards, so am not able to make the most powerful thematic deck theoretically possible, but constrained by what I have, here is my best attempt.

With the support of his brothers from the north, Aragorn has summoned the Host of the Dead to fulfill their oath and fight to protect Gondor. Heeding the warnings of the Palantir, the Heir of Isildur takes his forces south as he seeks to intercept to Corsair Fleet out of Umbar. Should he fail, this secondary army will wreak havoc on the lightly defended coast and riverlands of Gondor and eventually make its way to the White City itself.

Clearing out locations is key in this quest, quickly and efficiently. Ship locations are immune to player card effects while in the staging area, so our Northern Tracker will only be effecting the City Locations in this quest. But we can still be smart. Strength of Will has the potential to explore a Dormon as soon asit is travelled to, dodging that nasty archery it inflicts on us. Distant Stars will enable us to dig out exactly which locations we need, when we need them, and using the brilliant Map of Rhovanion will chip away at them as we quest. The Dunedain Pathfinder will dig out more locations if we are missing some ships to travel to.

This is a quest for side-quests. Have Thurindir bring The Storm Comes as the starter quest to make playing allies infinitly easier. Mulligan for West Road Traveller, so you can help Deck One fish out their Keep Watch and make combat easier for everyone. Thurindir gets his willpower boosted for each side-quest completed so send him to quest every time.

This deck represents the scouting elements of the Grey Company, sent ahead of the main body of warriors to ensure their progression. These are not the heroes of the story, and so there is no-one in this deck that is named in the actual Lord of the Rings. Rather this group of unsung heroes will keep safe the Dunedain's paths and provide a path forward and claim the Black Fleet ahip by ship.

The play-through using this deck can be found here: