Direct Damage Zone!

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Silvan Direct Damage
Derived from
Ready for Argalad 2 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Gondor with Silvan Allies do Direct Damage 0 1 0 1.0
Direct Damage Defended Zone 4 3 5 1.0
Direct Baggins Zone! 59 43 6 1.0
Direct Damage Zone! 1 0 0 1.0
Direct Damage Zone! #2 0 0 0 1.0
Direct Damage 0 0 0 1.0
Direct Damage Zone! 0 0 0 1.0
Direct Damage Zone! 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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In Play
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TheChad 13592

TheChad has a newer deck inspired by this one: Direct Baggins Zone!

This deck is so much fun to play and it does not hinge on any card in particular, making it very reliable. The deck is inspired by one created by mbogie that he used with much success at GENCON 2016. The goal of the deck is to use Silvan tricks and apply as much direct damage (DD) as possible to avoid shadow cards.

Opening Hand Enemies rarely have more than 3 , so mulligan for a weapon: Bow of the Galadhrim or Dagger of Westernesse. If you don't get a weapon then Argalad does not have enough to trigger his ability reliably. Other cards that are good to see are: cheap silvans (Henamarth Riversong, Galadhon Archer) and an event or 2 to help deal with enemies. Heed the Dream is great in your opening hand to dig out a weapon if you did not find one.

Game Play This deck operates on fact that over 60% of enemies in the game have 4 or fewer hit-points. When playing solo you rarely get swarmed with enemies and this deck can quickly deal with them as they appear. During the quest phase weaken any enemies that are revealed by dealing one DD via Thalin's ability, a second DD using Argalad (this is also a form of questing since you negate the threat). Then engage that enemy to get a resource on Mablung. You should have a lot of options at this point to kill the enemy with DD: Gondorian Spearman with or without a Spear of the Citadel, Pursuing the Enemy, Goblin-cleaver, and other events. You may have Foe-hammer in hand and therefor you elect to not trigger Aragalad's ability to get some card draw during the attack step. You should be flush with resources so if you don't find the expensive allies hiding in The Trees you can pay for them.

Tricks If you have a silvan ally and The Tree People use The Tree People after the quest phase so you use the willpower from the ally, and then have a ready ally during combat. If you are playing solo, Henamarth Riversong should be used for his ability to determine if any enemies are being revealed, if no enemies are coming then you should quest with Argalad to use his willpower.
Hands Upon the Bow, Skyward Volley, Rain of Arrows, and Arrows from the Trees are in the sideboard, they all would work great in this deck. I left them out just because I wanted to keep other events in and enough silvan allies to make sure The Tree People did not whiff, but feel free to swap them in as your play-style dictates.


Sep 04, 2016 gandalfDK 203

I have seen you play this deck and it works bonkers. In the Morgul Vale it came in so handy! Great deck!

Sep 04, 2016 TheChad 13592

Thanks Gandy!

Sep 05, 2016 Xikitins 81

That deck looks nice! But why no Ranger Bow?

Sep 05, 2016 stokesbook 3078

@XikitinsThere's 1 character in the whole deck it can go on, Mablung, and he's likely going to be defending so you'll probably not want to exhaust him to deal a damage.

Sep 05, 2016 TheChad 13592

Colitis it's true what Stokes said, in the early game you might need his defense or questing. Later your deck is rolling with other tricks. But, put it in there and give it a go! Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Sep 05, 2016 TheChad 13592

Xikitens it's true what Stokes said, in the early game you might need his defense or questing. Later your deck is rolling with other tricks. But, put it in there and give it a go! Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Sep 07, 2016 teamjimby 937

Have you tried out Swift Strike? Seems like it would fit nicely in this deck. Although I suppose I would probably add a 3rd Goblin-Cleaver first.

Sep 07, 2016 TheChad 13592

@teamjimby well that's the beauty of this hero line-up. There are so many cards you can interchange. Swift strike would fit nicely.

Sep 08, 2016 PeaceAndThought 324

Looks great, @TheChad! Any deck you'd recommend pairing it with if I were to use this in a two-player game?

Sep 08, 2016 gandalfDK 203

@PeaceAndThought great question! In fact, he has a fellowship with this deck. Pairing it with a Silvan deck works great.

Sep 08, 2016 PeaceAndThought 324

Thanks, @gandalfDK! Totally missed that... :-p

Sep 08, 2016 TheChad 13592

Handy has my back! Thanks buddy. And thanks Peace&thought for the kind words.

Sep 08, 2016 TheChad 13592

Gandy has my back! Thanks buddy. And thanks Peace&thought for the kind words.

Sep 08, 2016 gandalfDK 203

@TheChad I was not trying to steal your thunder, just excited for the deck! @PeaceAndThought I don't know if you could've known that, it's quite fresh. Check it out, though, it's fun man!

Apr 09, 2019 CDavis7M 158

Does Bilbo Baggins get to join?

Apr 10, 2019 TheChad 13592

@CDavis7M I think you could EASILY slot Bilbo in for Thalin (sorry Nate French) and this deck would work better. I am building an updated decklist as I type this.

Apr 10, 2019 TheChad 13592

@CDavis7M working on a version as we speak! I will link it here when done. thanks for suggestion and for checking the deck out.

Apr 10, 2019 CDavis7M 158

@TheChad You're the best!

Apr 10, 2019 TheChad 13592

@CDavis7M lol, not sure about that. but here you go. With even more Direct Damage Action!