Now Thalin isn't a very good hero. His one willpower goes completely against his ability, though T Theoden and Dain help in that regard. I usually only play him against enemies with 1 HP, of which there are a paltry nine out of a total of 414! However, 1HP enemies usually have multiple copies and some sort of nasty ability that Thalin nueters. He isn't a star, but he is fairly solid, especially in multiplayer.
Dwarf. Warrior.
While Thalin is committed to a quest, deal 1 damage to each enemy as it is revealed by the encounter deck.
There chisel clove, and graver wrote;
There forged was blade, and bound was hilt;
The delver mined, the mason built.
The Fellowship of the Ring
Core Set #6. Tactics.

Thalin was my first chosen hero in my first deck, mainly due the artwork and the ability which looked cool at first sight. Yeah, I know, the ability which goes totally against the stats, which are not much of use in questing and should I waste Unexpected Courage to make him be useful?! We'll see. I'm not done with him yet. One reason why I consider to play Fellowship decks or multiplayer. For now....verdict remains: 3/5.
Thalin has a cool ability and as we all know.. stats that don't support him. Except when it's suddenly time for sieges and battles, here he can suddenly quest for a lot more thanks to things like dwarven axes and armour that can be found in abundance in tactics. I also quite like chip damage against high defense enemies, it makes them a little easier to take down a turn or so faster when you might otherwise wound an enemy down to 1 hp. He's still not great, but I like him together with leadership Dain for some extra stat buffs.