Silvan Direct Damage
TheChad 14292
The best way to combat shadow cards is to avoid them completely. That is what this fellowship aim to accomplish. Please click the individual decks to see how they each work independently. What this fellowship does is increase the effectiveness of both decks. The Argalad deck can play weapons on Haldir. The Haldir deck can play Unexpected Courage on Argalad. Valiant Sacrifice can be easily used with Silvans flying in and out of play. Galadriel can lower Argalad's threat and supply card draw. Celeborn is boosting both decks. O'lorien can reduce the cost of the first Silvan ally played that round by any player. If you enjoy Silvan decks then this fellowship is for you.
Great fellowship! Have you thought about running Captain's Wisdom to make use of the Noble trait in the "Lorien Elves..." deck? Or do you find that it doesn't need extra resource generation?