Direct Damage Defended Zone

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Direct Damage Zone! 142 110 19 1.0
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Direct Damage Defended Zone 2 1 2 2.0
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Timobe 29

Timobe has a newer deck inspired by this one: Direct Damage Defended Zone

This deck is a direct inspiration from the deck of TheChad called "Direct Damage Zone". All I did was add a third "D": Defense.

The original deck of TheChad is awesome for a lot of reasons, but I found myself frustrated at its inability to deal with tougher ennemies. Indeed, when a big enemy engages you had little to no way to defend yourself. This became a critical problem in the "Dream Chaser" quest against enemies with the "boarding" abilities who could come right away engaged with you without giving you the opportunities to previously put damage on them.

So, I tried to modify the deck in a way that keep that initial "direct damage them before they get to you" tactic, but alongside the ability to defend yourself properly.

To accomplish that, I:

  1. Replaced Mablung with the famous Beregond. This is a "happy" replacement since Beregond can now equip the Spear of the Citadel for free. You do lose the ressource production, but I dealt with that in another way. Also, Beregond, with his sentinel ability, makes this deck "complete" for/in two players game since now you can "sentinel/defend" for your ally and then "range/attack" the enemy. Your ally won't have to worry about combats too much and will be able to focus on questing.

  2. For the ressource problem, I put the new Necklace of Girion. This card is perfect on Thalin since he is pretty much only used for questing. The "guarded" can cost, but it is a cheap price to pay overall.

  3. I put three Bow of Yew. This new card is perfect for this deck: cheap attachment that does direct damage! And now that his deck can defend, the bow of yew (being an effect that triggers only by attacking) fits nicely and does devastating damage.

  4. Finally, I replaced Pursuing the Enemy by Swift Strike, it's a personal taste. I prefer the sure two points of damage on a given enemy for a cost of 2 than paying from 1 to 4 (but likely 2) for an effect that does one damage to multiple enemies.

To make those modifications, I removed: the two Defender of the Naith, the one Infighting, the one Last Stand and the one Gondorian Shield (the purpose of that card in the original deck was to make Mablung a "good enough defender". Beregond can function without it).

Feedbacks would be appreciated. I hope other people would have fun with this deck as much as I do!


Aug 12, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2474

Hah, this is the first time I realized Necklace isn't limit one per deck! And what do you mean that Gondorian Shield is useless on Beregond? He's the best hero for it.

Aug 13, 2018 Onidsen 1127

I'll second that appraisal. Beregond (either version) plus Gondorian Shield is one of the most potent defensive combinations in the game.

Aug 13, 2018 Timobe 29

You are both absolutely right. My parenthesis had to be understood in view of the original "Direct Damage Zone" deck. In this deck, "Gondorian Shield" 's function is to make Mablung a "good enough defenser" in case you can't kill the ennemy right away. Beregond is good enough by himself without the shield for that job. Therefore the card is not needed anymore in this deck.

So yes, of course, the Gondorian Shield would make him a fantastic defender, but in this "aggressive" deck, his 4 defense is good enough and putting Gondorian Shield in it would just take the place of more offensive cards.

Thank you for your feedbacks guys!

Aug 13, 2018 Timobe 29

I modified the content of the parenthesis to be more clear! :)

Aug 13, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2474

Oh, that makes sense. Cool!