kjeld 709

Delay not, need not (unpublished)

Played by kjeld

The Redhorn Gate - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2021-12-25

Victory with a score of 173 points on December 25, 2021
Graffuh 46

Dune Dune Dunedain (unpublished)

Played by Graffuh

Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim - 2 Players - 2022-01-26

Victory with a score of 160 points on January 26, 2022
Tata Baggins 8

[deleted] (unpublished)

Played by Tata Baggins

[deleted] (unpublished)

Played by Tata Baggins
dio 1

Back to Basics & D.Runes & D.Mark (unpublished)

Played by dio
dio 1
bane 92

The Hunt for Gollum - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2022-02-22

Victory with a score of 97 points on February 22, 2022
Graffuh 46

Wola Ducha- Kobiety (unpublished)

Played by Graffuh

Conflict at the Carrock - 2 Players - 2022-02-28

Victory with a score of 71 points on February 28, 2022
Supasash 40
grey 82

Against the Shadow - Solo Progressive (unpublished)

Played by grey

Escape from Umbar - 1 Player - 2022-04-01

Victory with a score of 117 points on April 01, 2022
abdominous rex 14
GhostGoats 8

Dwarf Deck For Hobbit Saga (unpublished)

Played by GhostGoats
BoredGamers 8

Siblings (unpublished)

Played by BoredGamers
pachecogalo 93

DS Starter Deck - Dwarves of Durin (unpublished)

Played by pachecogalo

A Journey to Rhosgobel - 2 Players - Game 6 (3-2)

Victory with a score of 173 points on June 18, 2022
SiCK_Boy 45

Duo - A Journey to Rhosgobel - P1 (unpublished)

Played by P1

Duo - A Journey to Rhosgobel - P2 (unpublished)

Played by P2
Tongar 4

Beorn’s Cub (unpublished)

Played by Jim
drabblecast 67

Merry & the Rohirrims Through Mirkwood

Victory with a score of 18 points on October 23, 2022
Isidore 688
kattattack22 866

Massing at Osgiliath 3 Unlikely Hunters (unpublished)

Played by kattattack22

The Weather Hills - 1 Player - 2022-12-28

Victory on December 28, 2022

The Thing in the Depths - 1 Player - 2023-03-31

Victory with a score of 192 points on March 31, 2023
Sarus85 128

ALeP - The Aldburg Plot

Victory with a score of 178 points on March 11, 2023
Annaeru 69

The Fighters (unpublished)

Played by Annaeru

Supporting the Fighters (unpublished)

Played by Annaeru

Passage Through Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2023-07-18

Victory with a score of 64 points on July 18, 2023
Zarathustra 26

The Aragorn's Journey - Core Set - Passage Through Mirkwood (unpublished)

Played by Zarathustra
drabblecast 67

Peril in Pelargir - 1 Player - 2023-11-17

Victory on November 17, 2023
ferelmon 1

A la vista del senescal y por la defensa de la ciudadela (unpublished)

Played by ferelmon

The Drúadan Forest - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2023-11-30

Victory with a score of 117 points on November 30, 2023
Graffuh 46

Gondor nr 1 (unpublished)

Played by Graffuh

The Oath - 1 Player - 2023-12-14

Victory with a score of 186 points on December 15, 2023
AltarofPan 59

The Ring Goes South - 1 Player - 2024-03-22

Victory with a score of 104 points on March 23, 2024
Cafetetera 7
Truffmen 1

The Steward's Fear - 1 Player - 2024-06-14

Victory with a score of 134 points on June 15, 2024
Yurificacao 56

Mount Gundabad - 1 Player - 2024-09-01

Victory on September 02, 2024
rueful_knight 29

Dale Don't Fail (unpublished)

Played by rueful_knight