Bilbo Keeps The Arkenstone

Questlogs using this decklist
Foundations of Stone - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2019-03-25
The Ghost of Framsburg - 1 Player - 2019-03-31
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SamthemanGamgee 477


this deck was designed to take advantage of the arkenstone by using elrond with vilya to ramp out your board of unique allies with spme support. with an army of allies, a buttload of willpower, and three strong heroes, quests wont stand in your way. this deck went through a ton of testing including, into the pit (standard and nm), a storm on cobas haven, nm foundations of stone, nm road to rivendell, and attack on dol guldor. the deck really holds its own when it gets going and has two solid defenders early on with some help. now the biggest weakness is if you cant get built up quick enough which is exactly why bilbo is in the deck. the goal of the deck is to get vilya down and either elrond or bilbo with a burning brand or protector of lorien. then build up the board and win.

starting hand

in your hand look for light of valinor, a burning brand, unexpected courage, vilya or a star gazer. you can get away easily with only one of those cards in your hand because of old bilbo so dont worry about it. good allies to have are treebeard, the warden or the stargazer.

card choices

Bilbo Baggins

bilbo is the glue that keeps the deck running early on. he helps you find your neccessary cards faster and he is a solid defender with a burning brand and protector of lorien for all those extra uniques you draw. he will keel your deck going and keep you alive, dont underestimate this old hobbit he does so much, also you dont have to but i ttpically put the arkenstone on him


elrond is the heart of the deck, him with vilya allows the board to be built so quickly and he is a solid quester and defender and you could even take advantage of his two attack occasionally. his healing is amazing as well and itll keep defenders alive like jubayr and elrond himself


glorfindel is here for his amazing stats and low starting threat and a cheap access to spirit. with a light of valinor his three attack is taken advantage of so often, all in all he just rounds out the heroes perfectly

The Arkenstone

the whole idea is to get unique allies to fill your board and the arkenstone beefs up your willpower and is amazing to push throught the quests. this card is the reason the deck was built but it is not vital to success but it will increase your chances of winning a ton and will speed up the game

Will of the West

discarding a bunch to protector of lorien is good to have a way to reshuffle butnit ismt neccessary so there is only one copy. its also great if your allies start to die or need your test of wills and elronds counsels. it is a late game card and just keeps the deck flowing in the longer games


Mar 26, 2019 Zeek 53

Fun way to spice up the typical Vilya style deck while also making that decktype even more powerful.

Mar 26, 2019 Goggen 113

Not even a single copy of Asfaloth?

I'm also a bit surprised you didn't include any Elf-stones. With all that card-draw and many expensive allies, and no other resource-accelerators, I'd think they'd be perfect.

Mar 26, 2019 SamthemanGamgee 477

@Goggen As for asfaloth you dont really need him. The deck provides enough willpower and in solo you dont always see locations and in the more recent quests you hardly see locations that matter that much or have two quest point values.

As for elf stone yes you could run it but I found a lack of room and it also wasnt really necessary as I could gildor something to the top, set up my draws with the stargazer or discard to protector and will of the west back later. I hardly ever found d this to be a problem but I could see why they'd be helpful

Thanks for the feedback!

Mar 27, 2019 Seastan 43905

Nice twist on the Vilya archetype. My main comment would be to find a way to make room for 3x Master of the Forge since you have a number of critical attachments here like LoV and Vilya, as well as the Arkenstone of course. They also let you shuffle up your deck when you see with your stargazer that the next 5 are all bad.

Mar 28, 2019 The Broken Meeple 60

Oooh a thematic Arkenstone inclusion - might look at this one as I was getting bored of standard "Vilya Owns All". Seconded on Master of the Forge - although have fun deciding what 3 cards to cut for it.

Apr 01, 2019 Rimogard 298

A very cool deck indeed! I’m having a lot of fun playing it! :)

Apr 02, 2019 SamthemanGamgee 477

@Rimogard thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying it!