Gondor Traps - Into Ithilien 28 threat, cards up to The Land of ShadowGondor Boromir - Into Ithilien 29 threat, cards up to The Land of Shadow |
Lore and Spirit 1/2 19 threat, cards up to The City of UlfastLore and Spirit 2/2 26 threat, cards up to The Black Serpent |
Thorin's Company Part 1 29 threat, cards up to Mount GundabadThorin's Company Part 2 28 threat, cards up to Mount Gundabad |
Progression Series 3 Player -Deck 1 - On the Doorstep 28 threat, cards up to On the DoorstepProgression Series 3 Player -Deck 2 - On the Doorstep 30 threat, cards up to On the DoorstepProgression Series 3 Player -Deck 3 - On the Doorstep 31 threat, cards up to On the Doorstep |
Hobbit Dwarves #1 (5+ dwarves) 28 threat, cards up to The Ghost of FramsburgHobbit Dwarves #2 (miners) 29 threat, cards up to Mount Gundabad |
Middle-earth’s Finest: Quest-Feast 30 threat, cards up to Mount GundabadMiddle-earth’s Finest: Fight-Pride 29 threat, cards up to Challenge of the WainridersMiddle-earth‘s Finest: D-Fense 33 threat, cards up to The Withered Heath |
Defenders of the North 28 threat, cards up to The Withered HeathHunters of Eriador 26 threat, cards up to The Black Serpent |
Saga Aragorn 25 threat, cards up to The Land of ShadowSaga Gandalf 25 threat, cards up to The Land of Shadow |
Durin's Folk 30 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnDain's Raiding Party 28 threat, cards up to The Wilds of Rhovanion |
Silvan Swarm 27 threat, cards up to The City of UlfastNO MERCY!!! 30 threat, cards up to Beneath the Sands |
Progression fellowship dead marshes Spi/Lea 28 threat, cards up to The Dead MarshesProgression fellowship dead marshes Tactics 30 threat, cards up to The Dead Marshes |
Dúnedeck 32 threat, cards up to The Ghost of FramsburgDunedain support 29 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn |
The Morgul Vale - Battle 30 threat, cards up to Encounter at Amon DînThe Morgul Vale - Quest & Support 24 threat, cards up to Encounter at Amon Dîn |
godalf 27 threat, cards up to Roam Across Rhovaniongodalf support 29 threat, cards up to Roam Across Rhovanion |
Hobbit Campaign 2 32 threat, cards up to The Wilds of RhovanionHobbit kampania 12 threat, cards up to Challenge of the WainridersSaga Hobbit Kompania Thorina 25 threat, cards up to The Dunland Trap |
Dale 28 threat, cards up to Roam Across RhovanionSupport Deck Testing 31 threat, cards up to Flight of the Stormcaller |
WIndswept guys and gals 28 threat, cards up to The Dead MarshesDour faces in dangerous places 30 threat, cards up to Return to Mirkwood"Master Baggins don't you wanna pick up the soap?" 29 threat, cards up to Return to Mirkwood |
Shadow and Flame Fellowship by czyn deck 1 (progression 1CS) 33 threat, cards up to Foundations of StoneShadow and Flame Fellowship by czyn deck 2 (progression 1 CS 32 threat, cards up to Shadow and Flame |
Hills of Emyn Muil progression Lo/SP something else 27 threat, cards up to The Hills of Emyn MuilHills of Emyn Muil progression Le/Ta something else 30 threat, cards up to The Hills of Emyn Muil |
Tactics Fellowship Deck 3 33 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Glittering CavesTactics Fellowship Deck 3 30 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Glittering CavesTactics Fellowship Deck 2 29 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Glittering CavesTactics Fellowship Deck 1 31 threat, cards up to ALeP - The Glittering Caves |
The Stone of Erech - Progression - Katherine's Deck 27 threat, cards up to On the DoorstepThe Stone of Erech - Progression - Brad's Deck 21 threat, cards up to The Black Riders |
The Line Unbroken - Battle of Carn Dum Deck 1 29 threat, cards up to The Land of ShadowThe Line Unbroken - Battle of Carn Dum Deck 2 30 threat, cards up to Escape from Mount Gram |
Shadow and Flame Progression - Fighter deck 31 threat, cards up to Shadow and FlameShadow and Flame Progression - Elrond deck 28 threat, cards up to Shadow and Flame |
Dwarf3ULTIMO3 27 threat, cards up to Mount GundabadGondor5 29 threat, cards up to The Wilds of RhovanionDwarf2Ultimo3 24 threat, cards up to Mount GundabadDwarfaULTIMO3 32 threat, cards up to The Sands of Harad |
3Bs 28 threat, cards up to The Treason of SarumanNot the 3Bs 21 threat, cards up to The Treason of Saruman |
Eorlingas! 27 threat, cards up to On the DoorstepTheoden's Rohirrim 29 threat, cards up to The Land of Shadow |
Mirk-Core-Wood Tactics/Lore 32 threat, cards up to A Journey to RhosgobelLeadership Mirk-core-wood 32 threat, cards up to Return to Mirkwood |
Progression 23.5A 26 threat, cards up to The Blood of GondorProgression 23.5B 30 threat, cards up to The Blood of Gondor |