Gondor goes Into Ithilien
Adaepholn 167
I made these decks because I wanted to use Leadership Boromir and take advantage of the Gondor trait. I have changed these decks quite a bit since their first incarnation, they began as Mono-Lore and Mono-Leadership decks but I found the starting threat was too high and I wanted access to some Spirit cards. I used to have Damrod, Denethor, Treebeard for the Traps deck and Boromir, Faramir, Théodred for the Boromir deck. The cards in the sideboard are cards that used to be in the decks.
I also wanted to build a pair of decks that could beat Into Ithilien without Spirit Glorfindel or relying on Dáin Ironfoot. I have had reasonable success against Into Ithilien, I have recorded 13 games with a 46% winrate, but some of those were with the old hero lineup which started on 30 threat, and in the last 5 games I have won 4 and lost 1. This easily makes it my best set of decks against Into Ithilien. I have put details of the strategy against Into Ithilien in the description of each deck.
Against other quests I have had mixed success. The willpower is very low, so against quests which need lots of early questing I don't think these decks are very good. I have also tried: Encounter at Amon Din 2/3 (wins/times played); The Seventh Level 2/2; Conflict at the Carrock 2/2; Journey down the Anduin 3/6 (again some of these were from starting at 30 threat); Peril in Pelargir 4/5; and Siege of Cair Andros 0/1 (don't try it - poor Siege questing without Tactics)
If anyone has any suggestions for changes I'm happy to hear them!
I think the Boromir deck wants Knight of Belfalas, at least. Three Attack with Boromir plus a dead ally comes back to your hand.
I’d take out the Minas Tirith Lampwright, which I’ve never been impressed by.