Saga 2 (Gandalf and Hobbits)
Adaepholn 167
I made these decks for my 2nd Campaign attempt, using cards from the first 2 cycles, the first 3 Saga boxes and some of the Against the Shadow cycle and added some cards from the Land of Shadow later on.
I have completed the quests from the first 4 Saga boxes in campaign mode with these decks and have tried some other quests as well. Other non-saga quests I have played are: Journey down the Anduin; The Redhorn Gate; Foundations of Stone; Peril in Pelargir; Into Ithilien (with abysmal results); Encounter at Amon Din.
The campaign went quite well, I won't be able to finish it as I haven't got the last 2 Saga boxes. I sacrificed Gandalf to fell the Balrog and replaced him with Treebeard, but managed to bring Gandalf back with Beyond all Hope. I replaced Aragorn with Prince Imrahil after the Breaking of the Fellowship. I used Frodo Baggins from the Black Riders for all of the quests with Frodo as I didn't think the other abilities were as useful for my decks.