
Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Shadows of the Wild
Derived from
Hobbit-sense 5 0 6 1.0
Inspiration for
Hobbit-sense 0 0 3 3.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Onidsen 1127

Onidsen has a newer deck inspired by this one: Hobbit-sense

Theme: This is a mono- Hobbit deck, designed to feel like Hobbits sneaking their way past their enemies, instead of attacking and killing them. It is designed to deliver high levels of willpower and even higher levels of threat reduction. When combat is required, the defensive power of Frodo Baggins and the offense of some high-strength Noldor and Dunedain allies can hold their own. Still, the deck is not designed for any but the most desperate combat, and should avoid engaging enemies via Pippin's ability.

Strategy: The core engine of this deck is the Hobbit Pipe. With the amount of event-based threat reduction available to this deck, it can become an incredibly powerful draw engine. As such, Bilbo Baggins is included to fetch it. If you draw a second copy of Bilbo, the first can be used as a chump blocker or discarded to an encounter deck effect to make room to play a second copy and fetch another pipe. To aid in drawing allies and other pieces of the engine, Ancient Mathom and Elven-light are included to get you there faster. The latter card can be discarded either to Glorfindel for readying, or to the Steed of Imladris. Between the mount and the Northern Tracker, the deck also provides a decent amount of location control.

Resourceful is also key to the function of the deck, to enable you to play many of the more expensive cards like Northern Tracker and Glorfindel. In addition, it makes sure that the deck has the resources available to play Elven-light enough times to get the cards needed.

The remainder of the deck consists of questing allies to quest past all the enemies that are getting left in the staging area, and threat reduction to keep triggering Hobbit Pipes and keeping the deck below engagement costs. Two copies of Guardian of Rivendell are also included to provide emergency defensive support as necessary. If the deck is successful at not engaging enemies, they can be targeted with Arwen Undómiel to help Sam Gamgee out in defending across the table.

An ideal opening hand includes at least one Hobbit Pipe or a copy of Bilbo Baggins and a means of threat reduction. After the companion deck plays and clears Gather Information, this deck should fish out Double Back.

That side quest, along with Galadriel's Handmaiden and Merry offer important threat reduction that doesn't trigger the Hobbit Pipes. Ideally, this threat control will be sufficient to allow you to hold off on playing the event-based control until you have at least two pipes in play, allowing you to start maximizing your card draw.

Fatty Bolger is included in the sideboard for playing Saga quests. In those quests, Frodo's Intuition can be substituted for the Ancient Mathoms, as its card draw is entirely superior. Fortune or Fate is also included for campaign play, to bring back Folco Boffin from the other deck, after he triggers his ability.