
Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hobbit-sense 0 0 0 2.0
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Onidsen 1127

Onidsen has a newer deck inspired by this one: Hobbit-sense

This is a mono- Hobbit deck designed to try and make use of Pippin's ability in specific. More generally, the Hobbits tend to treat threat as if it were a resource which can be spent to gain useful effects. They also are uniformly bad at dispatching enemies, but they grant you sphere access to a great deal of willpower.

Therefore, the goal of this deck is to just quest past as many enemies in the staging area as possible, only engaging and killing them when necessary. If enemies must be engaged, Frodo Baggins defends, raising threat to cancel damage. Alternatively, Pippin can make sure that the enemies don't actually engage the deck.

To support this goal, a host of high- are included in order to overcome the threat in the staging area. Most are either cheap for their stats or offer us some additional support to our core goals.

To handle the few cases where killing an enemy is required, Glorfindel and several Northern Trackers are included. In addition, Glorfindel gives us a unique Noldor character, letting us use Elrond's Counsel to lower our threat. He also lets us include Elven-light as additional card draw, ideally significantly helping the consistency of the deck. The Noldor allies (Gildor Inglorion and Galdor of the Havens) are discard fodder for Glorfindel's readying ability or the enters-play ability of the Elven Jeweler, but can be brought into play via Stand and Fight.

The core engine that lets this deck function is the Hobbit Pipes and various threat-lowering events. With Bilbo Baggins to fetch them for us, we should be able to keep drawing cards and lowering threat at the same time. To keep us able to pay for these events, Resourceful is included as well.

The last really interesting inclusion is Lords of the Eldar, which is generally an end-game play. With only a little luck, this deck can easily draw up all of its cards, letting you play Lords of the Eldar multiple times if you have the resources. This gives the deck a means of boosting its combat or questing capabilities even after all the cards have run out, and also provides a decent aid to quests that require you to face a boss enemy during the final stages.

Mulligan for Hobbit Pipe or Bilbo Bagginso, and ideally you want Glorfindel and Resourceful early on as well. An opening hand that lacks any of these starting cards is going to struggle unless you can draw your way into them early on.


Jul 28, 2018 GrandSpleen 1406

A "Hobbit-sense" deck without Hobbit-sense! Well, I guess it wouldn't make sense here. In a 2-player game, Spirit Pippin works as a reverse Halbarad, putting enemies where you want them. How has the deck worked out so far? It looks like it may have a hard time drawing, as most of its draw depends on drawing into a combo to begin with (Hobbit Pipe, Elven-light, Galdor). Steed of Imladris would fit very well here and give you easier access to repeatable discard for Elven-light (right now only Glorfindel does that).

Jul 29, 2018 Onidsen 1127

Ooh - Steed of Imladris would be a very good fit. Might be worth just swapping out the Elven Jewellers or the Hobbit Ponies. Part of me really wants to swap out Smoke Rings for Dwarven Tomb, so I can recycle either Elrond's Counsel or Galadhrim's Greeting as needed. I kind of like Elevenses for questing control as well as the possibility of 1 cost for 5 threat reduction, but I'm not 100% sure about it.

The deck has performed very well when I get the Hobbit Pipes out early, and struggled when I didn't. Steed might be helpful at that, and extra help clearing out locations couldn't hurt.

Jul 29, 2018 The Purple Wizard 1195

Given the play style of this deck, I'm really surprised not to see Ride Them Down in here. Also, have you considered using Leaf Brooch as a way to accelerate your resources? With all your events and threat reduction you'd likely be using it every round.

This looks like a legit valuable Spirit Pippin deck. Well done! I may have to try my hand at something similar, as you've intrigued me and I can think of a few things I'd try differently.

Jul 29, 2018 Onidsen 1127

I deliberately skipped Ride Them Down out of thematic considerations, but it would certainly be an effective card in this deck. On Leaf Brooch, I actually am not consistently in secrecy enough to use it. Since I'm using threat as a safety valve to avoid unwanted engagements or damage, the deck often ends up with higher threat than you'd expect.

Jul 30, 2018 brian@d6pack.com 96

Since you mention “for thematic reasons” in your last post, would you consider Sword-thain to make Sam (or even Bilbo) a hero generating even more spirit resources?

Jul 30, 2018 Onidsen 1127

Probably not. As a resource generating tool, Sword Thain is a problematic card unless you can find a way to cheat it into play somehow.

If I wanted to use it, it would be to let me play hero-only cards onto a particular ally (for example, Rohan Warhorse onto ally Legolas). And there really isn't anything like that in this deck