My first attempt at a Folco deck.
The Gimmick:
Be in secrecy twice, once at the beginning for a couple rounds and then again when Folco Boffin is discarded. Once discarded Gandalf should enter play and stay there until the end of the game.
Opening Hand:
Look for Resourceful, Master of the Forge, Ithilien Lookout, and Peace, and Thought.
Without a single ally you can quest for 7 on turn one, most likely avoid enemies due to your low threat, and should you engage Sam Gamgee will ready for defense.
During the first couple turns you should be able to play some allies and get a resourceful on Pippin. Hopefully a Peace and Thought is in your hand. You want to slowly build up your board until your 'big turn'.
The Big Turn:
You discard Folco when you can still drop into Secrecy, you only need to be there for one planning phase. Play any secrecy cards you have. This is also when you should plan on The Grey Pilgrim showing up. Either by Elf-stone, Timely Aid, or clearing Send for Aid hopefully Gandy shows up onto your table soon. With your threat freshly lowered you can keep him in play for the rest of the game, give him his mount and his walking stick.
Other notes:
Nothing super fancy going on, there are arguments to be made about what other allies to include. This could easily have a lot of silvans and O Lórien!. I chose a collection of allies that have some and .
Sam with Fast Hitch and Hobbit Cloak and Rosie Cotton can defend for you.
Peace and Thought is great in this deck, if you are discarding Folco, who cares if he is exhausted. Fast Hitch and Greenwood Archer can ready your hobbits.
The sideboard has a bunch of victory display cards. This, I think, could be good in a multi-player game. You could drop all the Gandalf stuff and some other cards based on what else is on the table and have a pretty sweet victory display deck. Make sure everyone has 3x Keen as Lances.
Fun deck! Thanks for posting! I got to test it against several quests and write about my experiences: