Another very good side quest for big Fellowships. Sure it costs 1 resources and needs 6 progress to complete, but being able to play fo free 4 allies, perhaps even high cost ones, can be a huge boon in a game, especially since those allies will arrive before the battle phase.
Send for Aid
Player Side Quest.
Cost: 1.
Quest Points: 6.
Victory 1.
Limit 1 per deck.
Response: When this stage is defeated, each player may search the top 10 cards of his deck for an ally and put it into play under his control. Each player who did shuffles his deck.
"Often the Rohirrim have aided us, but now the Lord Denethor asks for all your strength and all your speed..."
Hirgon, The Return of the King
Hirgon, The Return of the King
Tomasz Jedruszek
The Treachery of Rhudaur #86. Leadership.
