Imrahil, Prince of the Eagles

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NERD 873

I am hopelessly addicted to The Last Alliance shenanigans...

This deck relies Steward of Gondor not for the resources, but for the Gondor trait. This allows Prince Imrahil to become an eagle, letting him pull out allies like Descendant of Thorondor or Chieftain of the Skies. This also readies Gwaihir, draws cards through Ingold, boosts the Eagles of the Misty Mountains, and generates resources through Golden Crown. Flight of the Eagles is so much fun to play when you did not buy the returning eagle. Rather surprisingly, this deck can draw a ton of cards. Ingold will often trigger twice each turn, and Soldier of Gondor has a many targets. Better yet, The Eagles Are Coming! can find Steward of Gondor. In fact, this deck features 36 cards with the Eagle or Gondor trait, meaning you will draw at least two or three card every time you play The Eagles Are Coming!. Ingold will quickly get you into the valour range, activating Angbor the Fearless. While this deck is best at killing enemies, Visionary Leadership, Gondorian Shield, and Shining Shield let it be fairly well-rounded. While not top-tier, defeating quests with an ever-changing board of soaring birds is pretty entertaining.

Have Fun,



Jan 30, 2023 doomguard 2191

nice idea cheat in eagle-trait with contract and steward or service of steward, or on ingolds ability.

i see only 1 flaw you can only either give Prince Imrahil the eagletrait for the round or use it for Ingold ability. not both in a round. that is sadly quite limiting, i think it is not soo often to use Ingold 2 times a round with eagles. but perhaps 1 time with eagle and another with gondor is quite o.k.

nevertheless i would include Support of the Eagles. its so good on Gwaihir (because he has ranged and sentinel) playing solo its perhaps not so needed and 1-2 eagles more are better

in solo i would replace the Golden Crown with Sneak Attack. its very good on Meneldor or Descendant of Thorondor and readies Gwaihir and can be used together with Flight of the Eagles without loosing another eagle.

Jan 30, 2023 Fram Dragonslayer 1

I'm sorry but how do you give the eagle trait to Imrahil? The contract lets you switch only the card's ability text, not the card's traits.

Jan 30, 2023 NERD 873

When you play Steward of Gondor or In Service of the Steward on Prince Imrahil, you can change their game text to say "attached character gains the Eagle or Gondor trait"

Jan 31, 2023 doomguard 2191

yea but only "......until the end of the round", not permanently (last sentence of the contract)

Jan 31, 2023 Fram Dragonslayer 1

That's very clever! I was just looking for a way to do that, but missed to find a solution. That's what I came up with (still a ton of fun with this deck):

Jan 31, 2023 TheMisFitMan 347

I really have to check out this new stuff (e.g. The Last Alliance)! Very cool idea @NERD!

Jan 31, 2023 NERD 873

Thanks everyone!

@doomguard I realize that its not permanent but forgot about Ingold. At least he can trigger off the Veteran Eagle. I'm not sure about Sneak Attack although I can see why it would be good. I do design decks for solo typically. I have always seen Support of the Eagles as a win more card, but it could be worthwhile. If it works, its certainly strong.

@Fram Dragonslayer Cool fellowship! I would add a bit more threat reduction, card draw, and another Knight of Minas Tirith.

Jan 31, 2023 doomguard 2191

in solo i think you have enough combatpower and do not need Support of the Eagles

Jan 31, 2023 FolcoBoffin 322

Brilliant idea and super creative. Something about Prince Imrahil calling Eagles into battle on a whim is super amusing to me

Jan 31, 2023 Fram Dragonslayer 1

@NERD Thank you! I resort to multiple copies of favor of the Valar (even all 3 in some cases, for longer quests) in the other "support" deck for threat reduction. I seldom find myself wanting for more cards with the eagles are coming as I really only need eagles in my hand to build my board while I prefer to keep gondorians in the deck to trigger Imrahil. However from now on I could simply keep my fellowship and use Steward of Gondor on Imrahil to maximise his ability as you do. Thanks for the tip!

Jan 31, 2023 NERD 873

A win against Carn Dum is impressive. You should publish those decks!