In Service of the Steward

Attachment. Cost: 1.


Attach to a character.

Attached character gains the Gondor trait.

But be it known that I have now sworn him to my service...
The Return of the King
Jason Cheeseman Meyer

Flight of the Stormcaller #3. Leadership.

In Service of the Steward

It seems like this should have cost zero, or come with a card draw like Mighty Warrior, Fearless Scout, Diligent Noble, Song of EƤrendil, or Doughty Ranger. Even those examples usually end up as binder fodder, and this is significantly worse. This matches the (awful) template of Nor am I a Stranger (Rohan) and Elf-friend (Silvan and Noldor), which similarly should have had a card draw attached or cost reduced.

If you need the Gondor trait and Steward of Gondor isn't enough, maybe consider Elessar before In Service of the Steward.

DunYoss 63
The only remote time I can see this useful is to give the Gondor trait to an ally, perhaps for Sword of Morthond? — Alonewolf87 2449