Well I think this is the most important card in eagle deck, which can immediately raise you hand options in a blink of an eye. Also it's an event with eagle trait so it can chain to the point where you get 5 or 6 or even more eagles in your hand in one run ( I wish we had such card for generating resources). There is no point to use it anywhere else then eagle deck, cause if you have only few eagles in your deck, the chance to get them is really low and this event can be replaced by 3 better cards. But in eagle deck it works great. Artwork also great. Verdict: 4/5.
The Eagles Are Coming!
Action: Search the top 5 cards of your deck for any number of Eagle cards and add them to your hand. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
The Hunt for Gollum #5. Tactics.
Now with the new ALeP Eagles added to the card pool, this card has just gotten better. I run this in an all-eagle deck (with Radagast), and with a total of 30 cards having the Eagle trait (excluding the three copies of The Eagles Are Coming!), this is guaranteed to pseudo-draw at least 3 cards per use (unless you’re really, really unlucky). And with its ability to chain into another copy, I’ve managed to “draw” a total of 10 cards with this in one round. Certainly one of the very few reasons to own the Hunt for Gollum adventure pack (because the Quest sure isn’t), and it has aged like fine wine.
Not much to say - 3x if you're doing a dedicated eagle deck, otherwise forget it. You'll probably have somewhere between 10-15 eligible cards, meaning you'll get at least one most of the time. It also has the Eagle trait itself, so you can chain them.