gondorian heroes

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ingold, grey ruler of gondor 0 0 8 1.0
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doomguard 2191

considering some of the points in the discussion in this deck https://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/35599/ingoldgreyrulerofgondor-1.0 , i think, i would prefer this deck for a Ingold deck.

accompanied by Denethor it is a better start, and with Lothíriel there is:

  • more questpower from the start
    1. sphere from the start
  • save 2. use of Ingold ability in the questphase because of her incredibal ability
  • 3-hero-setup makes more options to defend with heroes
  • free Morwen Steelsheen if combined with Lothíriel

what do i loose?

main strat is usualswarm supported by Lothíriel with little tricks:

you have much ways to reduce thread:

Defiant Challenge can change a game

i am open or suggestions. (Unexpected Courage is not used by intension, because of the Armored Destrier. need no refresh for attack +1 then an ally is better and i want keep 25)


Jan 28, 2023 NERD 873

I would add Rammas Sentry. They will help with attack and the lack of healing. Due to my taste for theme, I would cut the Dwarven Tomb and The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Jan 28, 2023 doomguard 2191

i have thought about that. but decided against. healing can be done by Morwen Steelsheen and should overall not so much needed. denethor +Shining Shield + Armored Destrier, should be able to handle the most attacks, and there are enough allies with attack.

i would not discard your suggestions. depends on the szenario the threadreduction is needed, and the Dwarven Tomb can also be used to recycle the A Test of Will more safety and flexibility overall. i tend to think multiplayer, for solo, your suggestions could be worth it.

Jan 28, 2023 doomguard 2191

but, Angbor the Fearless should be included. would even go to 51 for him

Jan 29, 2023 FolcoBoffin 322

Nice deck man, I'm glad I inspired you to mess with Ingold a bit more. Rammas Lookout is really fun in a Gondor deck, and rather easy to use with Denethor, I found having a few extra attack from these guys to be very handy.

Jan 29, 2023 doomguard 2191

you seem to very like these Rammas Lookout. i do not, and in fact i tend to name it not optimized play to not spend ressoursses. so i would rarely have the condition to have 1 res at every hero at the time of questing.

and yes i can understand, for 2 res the ally sounds good, but i prefer those i had in the deck. (get allies from discard, or deck in hand or Envoy of Pelargir)

Jan 29, 2023 NERD 873

I think Rammas Sentry is better than Veteran of Osgiliath and Derufin. If you include them, Rammas Lookout is probably better than Squire of the Citadel. Finally, I would cut an Armored Destrier or Shining Shield, as you have too many restricted attachments for Denethor. Alternatively, you could cut armor and shields for Blood of Númenor. In additional, Blood of Númenor synergizes with the Rammas Sentries and lookouts.

Jan 29, 2023 doomguard 2191

we agree to disagree.

and important attachments are moreoften in my decks.specially if i can use additional copies for other characters. (thats why 3 horses, 2 shields) and when i get the armour and can pay it, i gladly discard the shield and there are enough targets or the . armour if i draw it.

i want buy allies not spent res for defending, do not like Blood of Númenor or Gondorian Fire its not evective