This card, alongside Blood of Númenor, has become especially interesting for decks using the new The Grey Wanderer contract, as you don't need a resource match for the first card you play each planning phase, and these one hero decks have the advantage of secrecy. Thus, they can use Resourceful to its fullest extent, which means that, with some preparation, they end up with dozens of resources und thus the ability to take out even a Balrog in a single round thanks to the contract's readying ability. I have had great success using Gondorian Fire and Blood of Númenor in a Beravor deck with The Grey Wanderer, using her card draw to get both of these cards and all three (or at least two) copies of Resourceful on her at an early point, so that she could easily kill every enemy in the game, The low starting threat of a single hero also allows those extra rounds of preparation. The trait restriction isn't too bad, either, since Ranger characters in general and Dúnedain in especial all are a natural fit for this contract, as they have balanced stats and are exactly the jack-of-all-trades this contract requires. Gondorian fire then can boost up their attack value to a ridiculous amount (I have already killed the Eastern Crows with some 50+ attack). As long as I play The Grey Wanderer with a Gondor or Dúnedain hero, this along with Blood of Númenor and Resourceful is an auto-include in every deck.
Gondorian Fire
Cost: 0.
Attach to a Gondor or Dúnedain hero.
Action: Spend 1 resource from attached hero's resource pool to give attached hero +1 for each resource in its resource pool until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)
Michael Rasmussen
Assault on Osgiliath #85. Tactics.

Each character can only attack each enemy once.
Yeah, I meant readying after defending with Blood of Númenor to then attack with Fire of Gondor.
Question: So I spend one resource from attached hero, then that hero gets +X fighting equal to the remaining resources in his/her pool? So if said hero had 9 resources, his attach would be 9 + base attack?
It doesn't count the resource you spent to trigger it, so if you had 9 and sepnt one to trigger, you'd get +8 atk bonus. And I believe it locks in the bonus at the time you trigger it, so if you trigger this and had 8 resources remaning, and then spent resources on events (Hour of Wrath and The Hammer Stroke, for example) you'd still be +8 atk even with only 2 resources remaining
Got it! Wow. Thanks for the clarification. So good; so powerful!