ingold, grey ruler of gondor

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Inspiration for
gondorian heroes 3 2 7 1.0
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doomguard 2191

doomguard has a newer deck inspired by this one: gondorian heroes

ignold, the secret ruler of gondor.

mulligan for Steward of Gondor, keep a hand with Sneak Attack + Gandalf

  • strat is simple and effective. play each round an ally, draw an additional card, play another card.
  • try to get expensive alies with Timely Aid
  • use A Very Good Tale try to have at least cost of 5

enjoy the swarm.


Jan 26, 2023 doomguard 2191

default-attachment is Strider

Jan 26, 2023 NERD 873

I would include Gondorian Shield and include Strider in the main deck. Consider another Armored Destrier. I would cut the unthematic allies and add more of the thematic ones. Consider A Lesson in Caution. Also, where is Angbor the Fearless and Strength of Arms?

Jan 26, 2023 doomguard 2191

do u know what is meant with "default-attachment"?

Strength of Arms is good should be included.i thought o a 2 or 3. Armored Destrier but i think an ally more is better.

A Lesson in Caution is also good i am not so aware of this card.

so +2 each, i want to keep 25 allies. Angbor the Fearless i also thought of. but i think when i reach 40 i do not need it anymore and before the other cost 2 allies are better (envoy, knight, soldier of gondor)

perhaps replace a Squire of the Citadel do not know depends on testing. Gondorian Shield is only or heroes, i want only defend with Ingold if max att 2 or i have the good armor. bi attacks should be taken by chump or good defender

Jan 27, 2023 NERD 873

Yes, I know what you mean by default attachment. However, if you include Strider in the main deck you obey the rules of The Grey Wanderer, while running a 49-card deck, increasing consistency. Also, if you draw strider, you can attach Gondorian Shield instead. This seems beneficial to me, although I suppose it's preference. Open the Gates could also be good to trigger Ingold more.

Jan 27, 2023 doomguard 2191

and what cards would you take out?

Jan 27, 2023 Marctimmins89 116

Is there any reason you haven't listed The Grey Wanderer?

Jan 27, 2023 doomguard 2191

simply forget, but did not want to make new, seems obvious to me that it is.

Jan 27, 2023 NERD 873

I would take out the unthematic cards, possibly A Very Good Tale if I could not include enough thematic allies. I would definitely include Rammas Sentry and Rammas Lookout. They are so good with a single hero and can be played and activated on the first turn.