Mostly Rohans in Mirkwood (Revised Core + first cycle)

Questlogs using this decklist
Return to Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2022-03-16
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Back to Basics - A Killer Deck Using Cards from 1 Core Set 1238 911 77 1.0
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didde 13

After some time only playing the "Back to Basics" deck, I figured that it was time to try some deckbuilding myself.
I've added the "Back to Basics" deck as an inspiration, not because I copied anything (more than the staple cards of course). But I wanted to give cred to the deck that taught me a lot about the game and what works in synergy. Also figuring out action windows and keeping an eye on your threat level is key points I took with me.
So here it goes. My first real attempt to see what I've learned during the years I've been playing this game.
(note, even though I've had it since 2017, my play session just recently picked up).

Thinking about this I decided to only use the first cycle, to focus on fewer cards. I ended up with Rohan as trait/tribe as a result of that (sorry eagles).
It might have been easy just to throw in anything that said "Rohan" into the deck, but some of the non Rohan cards are just to good to ignore with only Core and Shadow of Mirkwood cycle.
Questing is extremely important when playing 1-handed/"true" solo and I didn't want my deck to be lacking just because some cards were missing "Rohan" as trait.
So this is what I came up with.

Since there are only three heroes with the "Rohan" trait, my choice was easy. The best part is that the complement each other very well.
Two of them are also some of my favorite heroes. They get a threat level at a comfortable 25.
Éowyn - One of the best heroes in the game if you ask me. Scales very well in multiplayer and is hard to pass on when playing solo. Her ability can change the outcome of a game.
Théodred - The resource manager. Spreads the recourses, while questing, as needed between the spheres. Really good early on and when an extra resource is needed.
Dúnhere - Really cool ability to attack enemies in the staging area. Will get plenty of opertunities in the beginning since the threat level is at 25. Add some buffs and you have a smooth finisher.

These are cards I just can't live without when playing these spheres. Not Rohan, but desperatly needed for the flow of the game.
Steward of Gondor - Quite a trip to Gondor, but we need those extra resources. Great to have when treacheries makes us pay taxes.
Unexpected Courage - We need to be ready at all times. Can't wait for refresh phase to get our heroes up and running.
Sneak Attack - Such a good card that can be played in many ways and during different phases when help is needed. Sneak Attack + Gandalf = good stuff.
Gandalf - Oh here he is; the one and only Gandalf "What can I get you out off this time?" The Grey. Saved my day more times than I can remember. Sneak him in and your encounter deck will go cry in the corner. Yeah, you heard me!
Faramir - The sweetest of brothers that can inspire anyone to power up their will. When his action kicks in it makes the "Journey Along the Anduin" a breeze.
Northern Tracker - Talk about breeze! Two of these trackers removes the travel phase out of the equation. Three; locations? What are those?

The other cards
There are a few more cards in a deck. Here are some short descriptions on why I added these.

Elfhelm - A decent ally, has the Rohan trait and his abillity helps out when the encounter deck gives you "Doomed".
Éomund - As mentioned, we need to be ready and his sacrifice will give us that. His ability works with sneak attack as well. But don't tell him yet.
Escort from Edoras - When you need that willpower boost.
Snowbourn Scout - The real legend, we will never forget! Cheap and effective. 1 progress is nothing to be ashamed of.
The Riddermark's Finest - Fine creatures indeed. Helps out with questing or attacking. If you need to get rid of a location they answer the (sacrificial) call .
West Road Traveller - Even though she's traveling west, she switches locations regularly. Played most of the times for her willpower.
Westfold Horse-breaker - Again, be ready. Westfold Horse-breaker got you covered. If not, quest away!

Ancient Mathom - Great card draw when combined with Northern Tracker(s). 1 resource for 3 cards? Yes please!
Celebrían's Stone - Éowyn wants jewelry to commit harder to quests. Boost her up to 6 (7 with discard) really good.
Dúnedain Mark - Can't spell Dúnhere without Dún. Three of these will boost his attack to 6 when attacking the stage area.

A Test of Will - Save these a bit and use them when you really must. Great support on the finish sprint.
Mustering the Rohirrim - This is a weird one, but I choose to get this when an ally is desparetly needed. Search 10 cards for 1 ally; for 1 resource. It's decent, but gets around "No card draw" effects. Needs more testing.
Ride to Ruin - Not sure about this one. See this as an desperate moment in the game. Needs more testing.
Stand and Fight - When Éomund dies, you bring him back so he can die again. For the greater readiness of course!
(This is a very useful card with other characters as well. Just do not try this with Gandalf, it's against the rules)
The Galadhrim's Greeting - We need a low threat level to keep enemies in the staging area. We got to get low, low, low.
Valiant Sacrifice - Card draw for when an ally leaves PLAY. Play is the word I missed when reading this before. So this works with sneak attack, look at that.

Game flow bullet points

  • Keep it low, slow, calm and keep on questing.
  • Give Eowyn the Steward of Gondor and Celebrían's Stone.
  • Give Dúnhere the Dúns and let him get up there.
  • Look at your hand before you give away Théodred's resource. Even though leadership cards are fewer our brother Faramir costs four(!) resources.
  • Use Ancient Mathom on locations that are easy to clear.
  • Get Northern Tracker out as quickly as you're able to.
  • Don't use Gandalf for damage only, sometimes a lower threat level is better. Sneak Attack with him a lot.
  • Be ready with your heroes and Éomund will help the Rohan allies to be ready as well.

A lot of text for something people might have figured out all ready. But as the say, the best way to learn is to teach (or babble a lot and pretend people listen).
Leave a comment if you find something to improve the deck or what you think of it.

Have a great day!

PS. I beat "Escape from Dol Guldur" today with this deck! (2022-03-15)