I really like the Riddermark's Finest. While they certainly aren't the riddermark's finest they are still very good. I've never found myself wishing I didn't have to exhaust them for their ability because usually needs the attack, but not the willpower. Now the ability is definitely worth the discard without considering the fact that you can pop it just before quest resolution and you've probably gotten use out of it's (meager) stats.
The Riddermark's Finest
Creature. Rohan.
Action: Exhaust and discard The Riddermark's Finest to place 2 progress tokens on any location.
Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring
The Hills of Emyn Muil #77. Spirit.

This card has good use in the questing phase to mitigate location threat. On some occasions I have been able to use them in a combo with Éomund where Riddermark's Finest quests for one, then is readied and can use the ability. Alternatively, one could use the action in the planning phase and be saved by Gamling only to repeat the same action.
One last bonus may be the "creature" trait which can be used in favor of decks thriving of creatures, or even encounter card manipulation at times. I do believe there is an encounter card or two which can be cancelled by discarding a creature - a special tech in that case.