Mustering the Rohirrim can be a very powerful card in the right deck. It's pretty much the best way to search for rohan allies (especially Eomund/Gamling), besides just straight drawing them, and should trigger every time (if it doesn't you probably don't have enough targets). It is a bummer that it adds only one to hand instead of all targets found, but is still a good search effect.
Mustering the Rohirrim
Action: Search the top 10 cards of your deck for any 1 Rohan card and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
The Hunt for Gollum #7. Spirit.

Well this ain't a bad card and one of the must have for Rohan deck for sure, but what immediately pops up in my head is comparison to The Eagles Are Coming! from Eagle deck. On one hand it cost something and gives you only one card, on the other hand it goes quite deep into the deck in searching. At the end what makes this card good is the synergy with other sphere cards like Gléowine, or Snowbourn Scout which are still best Rohan trait cards for me so far. The artwork is great. Verdict: 4/5.
The site text does not match the card text. "1 Rohan card" vs "1 Rohan ally card"....fairly large difference. I don't know how to submit this for a fix, but figured I'd mention it.
Would be really interesting if you COULD in fact dig for attachments or some of those Rohan events.