Warriors of the West

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Of Elves and Men - Thematic Noldor / Dunedain Decks
Derived from
Warriors of the West 12 5 4 1.0
Inspiration for
Warriors of the West 5 5 2 3.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Darkling Door 6485

Darkling Door has a newer deck inspired by this one: Warriors of the West

This is the updated version of the multiplayer brothers deck I built to go with my wife's Spirit/Lore Erestor deck for The Grey Havens and the Dreamchaser cycle. It's been quite successful so far, not really requiring any changes from quest to quest. I figured I would re-post it now that we're halfway through the cycle.

General Strategy

Amarthiúl makes a great partner for the brothers. I typically try to keep two weaker enemies to get the extra resource and allow Amarthiúl to provide resource smoothing. Elrohir makes it pretty easy to tank those extra enemies round after round without too much sweat. When the pressure gets to be too much, Elladan and Amarthiúl can clean house.

Spending Resources

When deciding between spending resources on something now or holding on to those resources for an emergency, lean towards saving the resources. Use Feint, Sneak Attack, Descendants of Kings, and Ranger of Cardolan as emergency defense when you get an enemy that Elrohir can't safely tank or an enemy you really have to kill this turn. If you didn't end up needing the resource, then that's a bonus resource you can use to put down something even bigger next turn.


Elven Spear was primarily included for playing across table, but don't hesitate to put it on Elladan if you need it to trigger Foe-hammer or to kill something big.

Typically I mulligan for a weapon, because it's really annoying to get Foe-hammer in hand and not be able to use it.


I've added a sideboard to the deck with some cards you could use in the event that you need to sub out any of the unique allies to avoid multiplayer conflicts.