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Darkling Door 6485

This Grey Company-themed Dúnedain deck is one of my favorite combat decks for multiplayer games. I've been honing it on and off for a few years now, and it always impresses the table with just how many Enemies it can tank at once.

General Strategy

Amarthiúl makes a great partner for the brothers. I like to be the first first player so I can engage two weaker enemies to get the extra resource and allow Amarthiúl to provide resource smoothing. Elrohir makes it pretty easy to tank those extra enemies round after round without too much sweat. When the pressure gets to be too much, Elladan and Amarthiúl can clean house.

I always mulligan for Elven Mail. Those extra 2 hit points go a long way to helping Elrohir take attacks without worrying too much about a stray shadow effect. Perhaps more importantly, it grants him Sentinel so he can help to defend for other players as well.

After a turn or two of setup, this deck can defend amazing numbers of enemies. It's no sweat to keep 4 enemies engaged at once, and toward the end of the game it can tank 10+ enemies without too much trouble.

It's probably best to pair this deck with one that can provide some healing. A little extra card draw is welcome too.

Spending Resources

When deciding between spending resources on something now or holding on to those resources for an emergency, I lean towards saving the resources. I use Feint, Descendants of Kings, and Ranger of Cardolan as emergency defense when I get an enemy that Elrohir can't safely tank or an enemy I really have to kill this turn. If I didn't end up needing the resource, then that's a bonus resource I could use to put down something even bigger next turn.

I only pay for Heir of Valandil if I have at least 2 enemies engaged and I have an Ally in hand that I could benefit from playing down.


Vigilant Dúnadan is just meant as a 1-for-1 swap for Halbarad in the event that someone else is using him.

Other than that, the other cards can be tossed in if the quest / other player decks demand them. I usually toss them in without substitution, but sometimes I trim a copy here and there of Sterner than Steel, Ranger Provisions, or Tireless Hunters as the situation allows.


Oct 17, 2018 The Broken Meeple 61

What is Halbarad ' s role out of interest besides potentially being a cheap 2/2/2? Or is that literally it? Never really understood the purpose of his +10 EC ability.

Oct 17, 2018 Darkling Door 6485

@The Broken Meeple He's just cheap stats here. I only ever really use his ability in decks with Hobbit heroes.

Oct 18, 2018 KaiserWilly 292

Just chiming in that I saw Follow Me! played at Con of The Rings to Great Effect!

Oct 18, 2018 IstariKnight 34

Although I haven't gotten the chance to play a Dunedain deck/strategy yet, I am excited to construct one. There are so many treacheries that are worded such that players see a benefit for remaining engaged with enemies. It's an interesting way to "blank" some of those nasty treacheries, or at least ensure that they don't surge into something meaner. Elrohir certainly shines in your lineup.

Oct 18, 2018 Darkling Door 6485

I like Follow Me! a lot in this deck for taking on an extra enemy in the early game or when staging is rough. Plus, people are always surprised to see it, which is fun too.

Dunedain has a particular cadence to it that I find really fun, and Elrohir's ability to defend multiple times plays along perfectly.

Jun 02, 2024 Iron Dru 1

@Darkling Door, thanks for posting this deck. I was able to use it in my first multi player event a week ago with success! Definitely held it's own and avoided card/character conflicts. Fun to play!