free rohanally? I like that!

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doomguard 2190

that should work:

high probability to get an ally with lothiriel, that can be discarded, if not, there are a few other options to discard allys cheap (elfhelm, morwen)

evan the "expensive" discards are worth it (once per round) in worst case they repay themselfes.

so it should be possible to use thengels ability every round,

  • all discarded allies are valuabe targets for the Squire of the Mark

  • all discarded allies can trigger Thengel (only once per round) and Morwen (exhaust)

  • mostly effective in combination with lothiriel (11 cards: escort from edoras, westfold horse-breaker, westfold lancer, rohirrim scout and possible but not ever recommanded, outrider.

  • also effective with Morwen Steelsheen she can optimally use the ally from lothiriels ability and trigger thengel after that. in this case you get 2 allys into play for free.

  • only selfdiscarding without lothiriel and valuabe targets for the Squire of the Mark: -- elfhelm -- deeping bowman -- The Riddermark's Finest -- hama

powerrounds with The Muster of Rohan +lothiriel + thengel + A Very Good Tale

hope i have made no mistake ;)


Apr 25, 2021 Uruk-guy 554

Looks great to me. But what about using Light-footed Steed or even UC for Thengel? Snowmane would work too but the steed and UC are more reliable

Apr 25, 2021 kjeld 709

Would Keen as Lances possibly work better than Gandalf here due to the Squire of the Mark?

Apr 25, 2021 Uruk-guy 554

Lol forgive my comment, you obviously have UC already included

Apr 25, 2021 kjeld 709

Though I didn't see A Very Good Tale, that would turn the tables back toward Gandalf. Still, though, I think there could be a variation here dropping Gandalf, AVGT and Sneak Attack if it was useful to add in a different package.

Apr 25, 2021 doomguard 2190

snowmane and the steed are good additions. @kjeldperhaps you never see a squire in a game and gandalf with sneakattack is so good. without sneack you are perhaps right, but there is Sneak Attack in addition sneack-gandalf + another ally is a good use of A Very Good Tale or using a normal payd gandalf in the refresh-phase (+another ally)

Apr 25, 2021 Uruk-guy 554

Turned my heart into a star. The only thing I felt I wanted later in game was Guthwine to bring discarded allies back. Sorry for so many comments!

Apr 25, 2021 doomguard 2190

if you have gamling, u get the discarded back :) but a guthwine could be added, and also Éomund should be there.

so tuning: in


Apr 26, 2021 IstariKnight 34

Have you considered running Tactics Eomer and opening up access to Need Brooks No Delay?

Apr 26, 2021 Seastan 45852

Tactics access seems like a good idea as you not only get Need Brooks No Delay but also Golden Shield for Thengel.

Apr 26, 2021 doomguard 2190

i have, then is no access to Sneak Attack and A Very Good Tale

the attachments can be realized with tactic, but these 2 events not.

the Shining Shield + Hauberk of Mail OR Dúnedain Warning is about equal to the shield

Apr 26, 2021 doomguard 2190

i think the version with tactik is about kind of egual, but i do not like the new Need Brooks No Delay. its kind of obious "we want to improve rohan and tactik" it seems to random to me. rohan get enough buff from the fanmade expansion, it does not really need this card. and i think this card is op. it is better than a Timely Aid and for Timely Aid you neeed secrecy, hat is far more a restriction than 3 rohan heroes. this way, like it is, it is an auto-include as heavy an auto-include can be if you play 3 rohans with tactik. ean with 2 rohanheroes it is nearly autoinclude.

i really recommand to errata that card. e.g make it 1 cost more or as additional cost, exhausting of a hero, then it seems balanced to me.

Apr 26, 2021 Seastan 45852

Need Brooks No Delay is certainly "an auto-include when you have 3 Rohan heroes and one of them is tactics". But an "auto-include when you have X and Y" is stretching the term "auto-include". By that metric most cards in the game are "auto-includes", because any halfway decent card is going to be an obvious choice in a certain archetype. Unlikely Friendship is an auto-include when you have a Silvan and Dwarf. But does it need errata? I don't think so.

Real "auto-includes" are things like Sneak Attack + Gandalf... which you seem to have no reservations about xD.

Apr 26, 2021 Truck 1472

Maybe add Thorongil for Éomer. He would be benefiting very much from all the allies leaving play.

Apr 26, 2021 doomguard 2190

@seastan, that is, because it is there from the beginning of time ;) and its a 2 card-combo.

and for it alone, the card is not this op, but with the whole lot of rohanbuffs, it is a bit to much rohanbuff for my taste. (and i like rohan)

btw. is there any possibility to discuss the cards of the fanmade product? and perhaps even before they come out? perhaps it could be usefull to have the possibility to get some opinions out before it is settled.

Apr 26, 2021 Seastan 45852


Card designs are discussed and playtested for about a year before they are released. These conversations take place on discord. If you (or anyone else) would like to take part, we'd love to have you! Just send an email to

The strong cards were made so on purpose, as we felt that they were needed to get Rohan into the top tier where it belongs. The intent was that with the full suite of new cards (Thengel, Morwen, Need Brooks, etc) Rohan would get there, and compete with other top archtypes like Noldor/Dwarves/Dale, but (crucially) not exceed them. We don't plan on ever making an archtype stronger than Noldor, as that is our metric for limiting power creep.

Apr 26, 2021 doomguard 2190

and i think now, the rohans are stronger than the noldor. not by far but slightly. (depends if you call a gandalf-elrond a noldor-deck)

but o.k. i will see if i can take part of the discorddiscussion. in this deck, even if you make tactic-eomer, it would not be this op, because it replaces sneack-gandalf. in fellowships i think 2 rohandecks (or rohan +x) are the best you can get. this fellowship have 50%+ winrate against carn dum and better aginst other nightmares. and they do not have the new rohanbuff. with it it will be better than 2 optimized noldordecks i can imagine.

Apr 26, 2021 Seastan 45852

Gandalf+Elrond or other kinds of Vilya decks I would put in an even higher tier, one that we are never attempting to match with Rohan or any other cards we make.

Also, we do consider two-handed play (multiple decks hyper-tuned to work together like the one you linked) in balance discussions, but it isn't a major priority. As far as I am concerned the game can already be completely broken by two-handed decks with only official cards.

Apr 27, 2021 doomguard 2190

@broken, as i am aware of, only with infinitive loops (and that i would either not allow or reduce to max. 3 times per phase, then could that broken decks be good but not killing fun), and that is a different kind as decks that match perfectly (and 50+% is not 70 or higher it is still challenging to play the hardest quests)

still saying, with the new things, rohan become the best folk (trait), not one of the best.

Apr 27, 2021 Seastan 45852

For example, 2 decks that are both using Dwarves and making use of Dain's buff, or two decks using Gondor and doubling up on Boromir and Visionary Leadership Buffs, are probably both stronger than any Rohan fellowship. And as you continue to add players the disparity keeps increasing. The game has never been balanced around fellowships.

If you do feel that Rohan is now the strongest (solo) racial trait, give your deck a spin through the Reduced Quest Gauntlet and see how it compares to The Mormegil's Dale deck. Then we'd have actual numbers to talk about.

Apr 27, 2021 doomguard 2190

solo is a different thing. in solo there are some things, that will have a very different impact on multi. (doom and scrying, to name the most important)

so my opinion about op is for multiplayer. and referring to both of your examples rohan is now better. with 2 rohanplayer it is not unlikely to put out an eomund every turn and that makes it better than dains bonus or godor with visionary leadership (and the leadership have to be out... so i relate gondor weaker as the dwarfes and the dwarfes weaker as rohan).

im fine with improving the rohan-discard-mechanic. but now, with thengel, morwen, squirrel and Need Brooks No Delay it a step to far for me. (it is more easier to recycle/play eomund per round, and a refresh of all rohan, is better than a +1) with Need Brooks No Delay you do not even need the right sphere.

its not broken, only slight a little step beyond the goal in my opinion.

Apr 27, 2021 Seastan 45852

@doomguard The recycling Éomund archetype is a good example of how multiplayer in this game is already unbalanced. Fellowships can exploit Eomund without ALeP cards, you have just chosen to avoid doing so. All you need to do is add Gúthwinë and maybe Open the Armory and you will be able to ready every character on the table every round starting from turn 2. A card like Need Brooks No Delay might improve consistency on getting out Eomund turn 1 (Mustering the Rohirrim is already pretty good at finding him) but that is just icing on an already broken fellowship.

Apr 27, 2021 doomguard 2190

right! you pointed it exactly out, one more chance to get the best combo rolling. this chance more make it the edge better than dwarfes or gondor.