free ally? I like that!

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free rohanally? I like that! 4 1 22 2.0
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doomguard 2190

doomguard has a newer deck inspired by this one: free rohanally? I like that!

with this setup of heroes you can get a free ally each round:

  • use lothiriels ability, and when that ally is discarded, use thengels ability. try to get the expensive uniques into play like that.

  • ingolds reaction can also be used every time, when lothiriel is used.

  • this deck starts with a 9 willpower by default.

  • if equipped, they have very good defenders (warning, hauberk and shield can go to thengel 2 of these also to the other 2 heroes)

  • use sneackattacks with gandalf and very good tale wisely

  • put morwen in for a envoy or an errant rider. she can be used every turn, lothiriel uses her ability.

  • with faramir and visionary leadership massive questpower can be generated if needed (for more questingrole add 2 more visionary leadership)

i think this deck is a well rounded allrounder (lacks only locationcontrol) that needs no steward, beregond, or elrond to get something done. try to get your free ally each round and equip your heroes in the first 2-3 rounds (from round 2 very good tale can be used), then get 2+ allies into play each round.

can be played very well with other gondordecks together (e.g. Denethor, beregond (each), Boromir)

playing solo, consider adding the one ring and Inner Strength and Power of Command


Apr 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Am I missing something? Thengel's ability only triggers if an ally is discarded from play. And Lothíriel's ability shuffles the ally back into your deck. That's not the same as discarding an ally, right?

Apr 25, 2021 doomguard 2190

i think you are right....

o.k. is not working, back to the drawingboard.

Apr 25, 2021 doomguard 2190

take this one: